so sad...


Active member
so today my boyfriend who's in the marines went back overseas to japan he had came home on leave me a lil less then a month and i have seriously never felt so happy with any other guy now hes gone for another 15 months and i dont know how to cope when he left i broke down and couldnt stop crying to the point i made myself sick im really afraid that him being so far away for so long is going to ruin us and i dont want that at all. if anyone has any advice on how to cope please please share!!


Well-known member
Awww, I'm sorry I can't imagine being away from my husband we've been apart a month and it was really hard. Will he stay in Japan? I'd think I'd pick Japan over the middle east.


Well-known member
i'm sorry :[ i know how hard that is to have someone so close go overseas for so long. it's terrible. but it's something you have to get used to, you know? i think just keeping yourself busy would be your best bet and just try not to think about him not being there too much :] hope you feel better *hugs*


Well-known member
i've done the long distance thing many a time and it inevitably does one of two things: brings you much closer togther or slowly tears you apart. in your heart and very quickly, you'll know which of the two it's going to do and i think if it's the latter, it speaks pretty loudly about your relationship anyhow. i really hope it's the former in your case. when i was dating an army boy who got stationed in bosnia, letters are what kept us close. we wrote regular letters and then did our own version of the griffin and sabine books set in the 1800. you'll find what works for you. don't underestimate the power of words, be they on the phone, online, or via a letter. i'm going to see my boy in feb for the first time in 19 months, so i know the feeling. best of luck!!


Well-known member
Take a deep breath and tell yourself you're going to take it one day at a time. I am long distance with my boyfriend and go through that everytime we have to leave, albeit on a lesser scale. I find the first few days are the worst and then it starts to get somewhat better.

Good luck and I hope your guy stays safe.


New member
I know it's hard. I have on brother that was in the Army but after 4 years he now has a mechanic shop and another brother in the Marines. I am very close to my brothers and missed both of them when they went overseas. My brother in the Marines in now stationed in CA but right after boot camp he went to Japan and Korea. Actually, my brother really liked being stationed in Japan. He wants to go back. He does not like where he is right now. Even though I would miss him I wish he could go back to Japan where he was happy.
My mother had a really hard time letting go. The brother that is a Marine is her "baby" and she went on some anti-depressants (sp?) when he joined boot camp. I tried to get her to join a group for Marine Mothers but she wouldn't. It is still really hard on her. Both my brothers have said many times that it was their choice to join but they still need family support and for the family to be strong. My brothers also told me it makes it really hard for them to see someone cry because they are leaving. I always held in my tears until they could not see me. They both call me when they need to talk and I am their backbone when times get rough so, it was important to me to "look" strong. They have thanked me a few times for holding up and not breaking down in front of them like mom did.
I know it's hard for you but you need to be his "backbone" and stay strong for him. It's ok to cry just don't let the sadness consume you. I know you are worried about the relationship and my best advice I can give you is to give him tons of support. Send him letters and pictures! I have heard many times those are so important when they are away from home! He will not forgot the love and support you give him! My brother loved to get clippings of the newspaper about local news and to hear about what is happening at home. This will also keep you busy. I don't know what part of Japan he is going to but if it is Okinawa he is in paradise! I don't know if you have done a search on google but it is beautiful there! All the pics my brother brought back are amazing! There is this one pic of him in their pool on the base and it over looks the ocean! So pretty!!! Heck, at first I felt sorry for him until I did a search and he sent home pics. Then I felt sorry for us! LOL