*sob* just missed out on a staple item on eBay


Well-known member
Aw crap, I bid on Philosophy Pure Grace 3-in-1 which isn't available in Australia, and I missed out by 50c. Would have paid a lot more too except that I wasn't available when bid ended. Looks like I'm going to have to save up for a CP...sigh.

Anyone else into bath stuff/B&B that they can't get in their country? Dear USA, please open a Sephora in Australia...please!


Well-known member
Sephora is a French company. they had those stores in France LONG before they had them in the US.


now, if only they'd open one in a smaller Canadian city... like Ottawa!!!!



Well-known member
Oh yeah, it is too! But they seem to have the most massive selection of products at the US ones.

Bloody hell, I'll have to start importing Philosophy into Australia myself. Hmph.


Count me in mspixieears!

At least those who have Sephora in their country can order online!

You could always beg Mecca Monopoli- *cough* Cosmetica
to carry the Pure Grace line with their philosophy line-up?

Or somewhere more reasonably priced like Adore Beauty?

I feel your pain! Doubly so because I'm in the retail desert aka Perth!


Well-known member
Hey sophie-au,

I've e-mailed Mecca several times to ask them why they don't stock the full range of many of their brands and they have always given me short, rude replies. They suck.

Adore Beauty is pretty cool though, and they recently just got Urban Decay in, at decent prices too, not like when Myer used to stock it pre-free-trade agreement days.

If you can't get something in Perth that is available in say, Melbourne where I am, drop me a line, always happy to help a fellow luxe-good deprived person! Not that we have anything exciting in Melbourne, well, sometimes perhaps!


Well-known member
mspixieears...I know what you're talking about!
The last time I went to the UK Boots carried this wonderful Neutrogena Body Clear Series...I absolutely loved it and when I went back to Germany I was sure that we would have it too! But I was wrong and now I'm looking for the most adorable Body Wash I can actually get in Germany that is a good as the Neutrogena one! I haven't found it yet!


Well-known member
Yeah, sometimes I think the USA is shopping heaven! Though Europe is excellent for books and classical music CDs etc.

I was very lucky in that when I went to the Philippines at the end of last year, I was able to stock up on some well-loved US bath & body goods! It was also cheaper because of their economy.

Still, we never had a MAC pro store till last year in my city (Melbourne). There's only 2 in the whole country!