Soccer moms.


Well-known member
No one more rapidly or efficiently makes me contemplate a violent outburst than soccer moms.

I l o v e baseball. I love my kids. I help coach my kid's team, but these emmereffing soccermoms are about to get PUNTED.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
No one more rapidly or efficiently makes me contemplate a violent outburst than soccer moms.

I l o v e baseball. I love my kids. I help coach my kid's team, but these emmereffing soccermoms are about to get PUNTED.


kick them once for me. I've had to deal w/ their "demands" on more than one occasion. I grew up playing soccer & it was NEVER like it is now. Talk about entitled bunch of jerks


Well-known member
ahh apparently..
last practice one of the coaches brought a jersey for me, a child's small.She told me to try it on...
I WAS WEARING A BATHING SUIT TOP UNDER MY CLOTHES so I tried the shirt on. It fit, took it back off, put my regular shirt back on and went about my business.
I offended one of them.


Well-known member
You know why you offended one of them? Most probably because you're pretty, you have a nice shape, and you have the ability to make yourself look good. Most people that get offended over that kind of stuff are the types who wear "mom jeans", granny panties, and IF they ever wear m/u they don't know how to put it on, and end up wearing foundation four shades darker than their skin!!! Was she that type of person?? People get offended because they're jealous (even if they don't know it themselves!)..She probably never has sex
(or if she does hubby spends about a minute at it!) and isn't fulfilled w/ HER life..that's why she spends so much time worrying about others..Deep down she's probably wishing she could be more like YOU!!!!!


Well-known member
quite honestly she fit that description.


I'll maintain appearances of appropriateness...Now, however, I know a team pool party is out of the question at my house, because I'll be DAMNED if I'm wearing atshirt over my suit to protect someone else's sensibilities in my OWN HOME.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
literally, it nearly became physically confronting tonight.



Dish it.


Well-known member
Ok, so y'all know I was roped into assisting coaching the t-ball team. No big deal. I like coaching I like baseball I love my son. I played, I love the game, and I love competition. Ok. White trash ass soccer moms making life miserable for the rest of the team need to die. Just. Die. We set forth some rules based on this one kid basically like attacking Tate. Not to mention that the kids can't learn in an environment that is undisciplined, out of control, and chaotic. I appreciate this. Wholly. I appreciate the fact that the coach wants things to be organized and sensible.

"ATHLETICS TEAM RULES TIMELINESS: Be on time for all practices, games and team functions. Players / parents are expected to call the coach at least two hours before the start of any activity that will be missed.
PREPARATION Always have your complete uniform, equipment, and water or other beverage, with you for a game or practice. There will be no snacks allowed in the dugout during games.
ATTITUDE AND RESPECT Players should show respect for, be considerate of, and display, a positive attitude towards teammates, coaches, umpires, opposing players, and parents.
EMOTIONS Players and parents should always control emotions and display good sportsmanship. No profanity, no throwing equipment, no arguing with teammates, coaches, opponents, or umpires. No negative remarks to teammates, coaches, opponents, or umpires. Physical aggression towards anyone will not be tolerated. This includes threatening gestures, aggressive contact, or threats of any kind during any team activity before or after practice or games. .
PARTICIPATION Players are expected to participate in all practices, games, and team functions, unless prior approval is received from the coach to be absent.
GAMES During games, unless requested by a coach, parents are requested to stay in the stands and not distract the players from the game. Please display good sportsmanship and do not engage in any behavior that could be a distraction to the players, coaches, umpires, or other spectators during the game. Players are expected to follow the coach’s directions and be in the position as directed by the coaches during the game.
PENALTIES The coaches reserve the right to discipline any player for conduct unbecoming to the team. This includes but is not limited to; Suspension from practice, further participation in the game, suspension from game, suspension for one game, or removal from any participation from team activities for the rest of the season.
COMMUNICATION We believe that clear communication between coaches, parents, and players is critical to the success of our team. Communication will be provided via email or handout to the parent of all players to ensure that our schedules are clear. In the case of a dispute we request that parents communicate with us via email or phone away from team activities (games or practices) as we are striving to provide a healthy and non adversarial environment for the children."

^^^^ Those are our rules. What's the PROBLEM here? NONE of this is outrageous, IMO. But, in response to certain situations, this is what was sent out last night: The first was to the bully kid's parents...


Well-known member
When the rules were originally handed out, one person refused to sign the roster (that would be S, the grandmother of bully kid) based on that she refused to speak for the child's parents. That was what brought about the last two emails.
TONIGHT was the whole confrontation. The rules, when drafted were agreed to by the director of athletics, and were approved by AP&R.
Tell me when in hell it became appropriate to threaten to whoop anyone's ass at a TBALL PRACTICE?
Tell me when it became appropriate to scream FUCK YOU at the top of your lungs to another parent in a tball practice?
Tell me when it became appropriate for someone else's child to curse, scream, or attack my child, or other people's children?
Tell me when it became appropriate for someone to call me a bitch in the middle of a practice?
I did lose my temper tonight, I'll admit to that, I can't fucking abide this ignorance. I really wish both my brothers had been here tonight. Mom too. Hell Dad just for the show.
Barry being there hit so damn many buttons it wasn't funny. C's parents are white trash; mommy was cursing me, and putting her hand in my face.
When suggested that the unhappy parents remove their children from the team and request a transfer, why would parents say "NO I'M KEEPIN HIM ON THIS TEAM!!!"
I asked, why would you remain somewhere where you do not want to abide the rules? WHY? I don't UNDERSTAND??? I also told (not nicely mind you) the kid's parents that when it was ASKED that people volunteer NEITHER of them stepped up. One other father and *I* did. NO ONE ELSE would get off their fat, lazy, white trashy ass to make sure these kids had a good season.
One game y'all.
We are ONE GAME into the season, and these people are acting like the trash they are.
I offended someone because I was stern with her child. Her child wasn't LISTENING and was swinging a damned baseball BAT around like a baton. Ok, well next time I'll let him hit little Johnny in the head (or himself) and let you and the parents of little Johnny duke it out over how much of an assclown your kid was being.


Well-known member
While I'm on this roll let me just say this...all the parents out there that are refusing to PARENT their child are doing their child a HUGE disservice. You want to know how or why the kids are shitballs? Look in the freaking mirror. Kids do as they're taught and you're teaching your kids that the rules don't apply to them (for whatever outlandish oddball reasoning you can create this time). Guess what, in real life, the rules apply.
And...if you DO decide to lay a hand on me...I WILL have charges brought against you. I'll make DAMN sure you pay for my eye surgery when my sunglasses hit my face. I'll make sure you spend enough time in and out of jail, you'll never have your kid playing tball or baseball or soccer again because you won't be able to afford it you inbred hillbilly jackass.
And another thing, sticking your hand in my face? Hi. I'll break that motherfucker. I'll break it off at the wrist. Crying while you're talking doesn't make your point it undermines it. Having your mother-in-law yank the kids off the field, thereby making both of the children upset (by the way the little girl is very fragile, and I can understand why) and making the boy in particular, who already has aggression issues become even more of a terror is completely out of line.
T WANTS to play ball, she's TRYING to play and be a good player. C, well, when he's on, he's trying. Most of the time he's off, but don't yank the kids around because YOU can't be an adult. And DAMN sure don't have your hillbilly uneducated husband tell my husband he's going to whoop his ass. That just wouldn't be a smart idea...especially considering my husband's history.
After having met the parents, I understand why the boy is the way he is. You freaking MORONs there is absolutely NO reason that TBALL should have come to this. Over shorts. They don't want their kids to wear pants, because pants are too hooooooot (never mind that the shorts these kids have on are double layered shiny polyester...which doesn't BREATHE...) and they just want to be different. This is a power struggle on their part, and they want to undermine the coach and everything she has to say for no other reason than that she is a female.

This is taken from my LJ account.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

Dish it.

there you have it, minus most of the gory details.


Well-known member
all i can say is u go girl!! tell em how it is, i h8 parents like that i dnt have any kids and im like 19 but i cnt stand parents who think they can just come up in ur face and say what they want blah


Well-known member
I am sad that the boy's little sister won't get to play, because she really wanted to play, but I am not sad that the league took action.


Well-known member
I think my Mom is a "soccer mom" ... but shes not annoying, I hope. She's sweet. My dad coaches soccer team and my mom just brings snack and drinks... but she's not creepy at all.

Some of these child activities get way out of hand in my opinion. When my little brother was 8 and playing football... the "association" or whatnot before the big game took around the cheerleaders for their team and they toilet papered all the players houses. Plus, they had a little homecoming shindig... like a little party...

Maybe it's just me thats bothered.... ?


Well-known member
no, not just you.
And your mom isn't the scary soccer mom it sounds like. Sounds like she's the normal soccermom. I don't mind normal soccer moms. It's the psychos that make me crazy.

The people who I described ruin the experience for EVERYONE.


Well-known member
Amen....when my DS played baseball, and DH was the coach, it wasn't just the soccer moms, but the dads that were asses as well....that's why we don't do baseball anymore!


Well-known member
Wow.... i will have to say that i dont feel so bad when i rant after reading your posts, i love them hahaha. Im glad other people let everyone know how they feel .. and i agree with you 100%. The game is about the kids, its a bit selfish to argue with the coach b/c " you" were wrong. Shouldnt they understand its about making the kids enjoy their time playing sports? Well like everyone said " You go Girl!!!" I read your post often and you mention your children all the fuckin time!!! Im so glad to see that there are still parents who act like parents. Im only 19 and it just breaks my heart to see these children growing up, and ACTING up as a result of their parents not showin them the love the deserve or teaching them the things they deserve to learn, only b/c they are fuckin LAZY! Oh geez. I can go on forever about this. But all in all... I agree and you seem like a kick ass mom!