Softwash grey


Active member

I just recently purchased a BNIB jar of Softwash grey and I was wondering if someone could just help me confirm if it is authentic or not? Any help would really be appreciated! Thank you so much!! ><!

All pictures are taken indoors with regular room lighting (I took this at like 11:18pm).. so no daylight pictures.

ImageShack - Gallery


Well-known member
I actually had a piggie from a MUA swap and it had a Nordies tag ....I called Nordies and gave them the bar code number and they told me what the number went to and it was exactly the piggie that was in the box looked real to me..but I am no piggie expert so I wanted to really know

But these ladies on here will be able to let you know by looking


Active member
Oh great
! I forgot to mention that the batch code is A16.

Yeah, I was lurking around the other threads here, and I know there was a woman who purchased a pigment from CCO who had the middle aligned writing and all that.

I guess I just really wanted to make sure O_O - didn't want to put any potentionally dangerous substances onto my eyes >_<.

Also I really appreciate you guys answering my call of distress so fast >_< I really really appreciate this and am extremely thankful!



Well-known member
Looks authentic to me! ITA with Nordies and see if it tracks back. That'll give you your best answer.


Active member
Yay thank you!

I also called Nordstorm as well (>_< long distance charges!) and got a confirmation.

Thank you all for your wonderful help!