Some advice w/ studying please :/


Well-known member
I know I been posting a lot in the chatter forum ehe. But I just enrolled for the spring, and I told my dad how much it would cost, its like $26 a unit, and the one with the most units is math! its 5 units and that is my worstest everest subject everrr. I failed last semester in math. My dad was really upset and said "you failed in math? u cant fail it cost to much money to fail, if you fail then I wont pay for your classes". So i feel really bad now and beating myself down argh! I have had problems with the other classes I would get C's on my test and I dont like that I would love to get B's and A's, but I dont know what im doing wrong with my studying, like I do study but then when its time for the test I go blank on the harder questions like I know I read about it but I cant seem to really like get the answer cause I go blank. I heard theres like some kind of tea or something to really wake you up and focus better ya'll know anything about that? And any other techniques that helped you do good on a test that would help me improve?


Well-known member
I don't know what level you're studying at, but get some extra help from the teacher, a TA, or extra practice work to help you get better. I stank at math, not all the time, but most of the time. I'm terrible with studying, I have like ADD (not officially) and can't focus for long periods of time. If you're already studying and putting in your all then there's not much you can do other than get extra outside help.


Well-known member
I agree, you should get a tutor because they'll teach you strategies on what to focus on and how to remember formulas and stuff. Also, during exams skim through the entire test then starting at the beginning, do the problems you feel are easy so that way you can get them out of the way and have more time for the more difficult problems. HTH


Well-known member
I *think* ginseng tea boosts memory, but you should defintately look into the risks, know its not right for some people. I like coffee, hehe.


Well-known member
It sounds like nerves might also be affecting your performance and what information you retain. Are you in a situation to study in a group with others? That can help too. Putting pressure on yourself will most likely cause you to 'blank' at the time of a test, so perhaps you need to try and relax, easier said than done I know (from a chronically nervous person!).


Well-known member
Yeah, study with a classmate and visit your professor in their office often if you need clarification on something. Having a good teacher also makes a huge difference.

I like to rewrite all my notes and then boil the main points or formulas down to something that can fit on index cards. Then I review them every chance I get - in the tub, before bed, at a stoplight, etc.

Don't rely on herbal supplements, though.


Well-known member
The thing about Maths is that practice really makes perfect; you need to be very familiar with the topisc. As Spam.n.Rice said, strategies are important! When I took Maths I spent about 1-2 hours on it each day.


Well-known member
I do the same thing as inlucesco. I rewrite my notes and then go over them and point out the main points. I'm a math major and this really seems to work for me. You should also go to the professor with any specific questions that you have and get some tutoring. Like jeanette said practice makes perfect. You're not going to learn this stuff unless you practice it.

Lucy In The Sky...

Well-known member
I have the same problem, I go completely blank when it comes to a test...somtimes. I agree with everyone else about getting a tutor and studying with other people in groups.
What I've found for me to be really really helpful when I study for a test is kind of mimicking (is that even spelled right?) how I study when I take the test. Like if I'm sitting up straight and tapping my foot while studying, if I do that while I'm taking the test then it kind of helps to jog my memory and I remember a lot of what I was studying. I know it sounds stupid and crazy, but it's helped me a lot. Maybe it could work for you, who knows.

Oh and one more thing, don't study with music. It has to be completely quiet, if you study with music on (even if it's "soothing") the material you're studying and the music is competing for your brains attention.

Good luck with your tests! I'm sure you'll do just fine!


Well-known member
What kind of math are you taking? Well, my boyfriend has been takin math every semester (business major) and he studies by practicing problems over and over until he gets it. Always make sure you understand lectures, and dont be afraid to ask questions. I heard that citrus scents can help your memory maybe try eating an orage while you're studying.

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