Something you never say because you don't like the way it sounds


Well-known member
I hope this hasn't been done before.

Q: What is something you never say aloud to another person, or even yourself, because you are to ashamed or embarassed or nervous or whatever to say just don't like the way it sounds?

A: I had a friend that I was incredibly jealous of. I don't think she ever knew and I felt ashamed and dissapointed in myself for feeling that way. It still bothers me. It's hard for me to admit that type of insecurity.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Oh, I thought you were talking about words you don't say.

In terms of actual intent, I can't think of too many things.


Well-known member
I have a friend that pretends to be drunk when we go out. What's the point? But she gets pissed when I dont want to drink or whatever. It's obnoxious!


Well-known member
i have a friend..she is 2 years older than me. we've been friends for awhile, and when we used to hang out, she would always be the one that guys were interested in, and she was always prettier, better body, better clothes, better hair, etc. i always felt really ugly around her, and i always felt like a child. she sometimes made me feel this way, and she would try to make me feel bad sometimes. even now, on certain occasions i feel ugly around her and she will point something out on me like "ew why do your nails look like that" to try and make me feel bad.

so sometimes its hard for me to admit that i was always jealous of her and that i used to think she was better than me..i've told my boyfriend but i didn't say it in those words

also, this might not be what you're talking about but i won't do hair in front of somebody. i hate doing my hair or someone else's hair while people are watching me. in hair school, i thought everyone in the class was better at hair/makeup than me and i didn't want them to watch me and make fun of what i was doing wrong. when i'm at home and i'm doing my moms hair and my boyfriend is watching me, i get nervous too, because he knows how to do hair and i don't want him to think i don't know what i'm doing. i also don't like doing my hair (even combing it) at my job around other stylists cuz i don't want them to think i'm inexperienced.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I have a friend that pretends to be drunk when we go out. What's the point? But she gets pissed when I dont want to drink or whatever. It's obnoxious!

She probably does that so she isn't accountable (at least in her mind) for her actions. So may people use the excuse that if they're drunk, they didn't mean it and therefore, people shouldn't get upset

I would love to see that fly in court.