Sony Vaio Laptops


Well-known member
My birthday is tomorrow and after debating for a long time I decided to get a laptop (it was between laptop and MAC
I really like the Sony Vaio's especially the ones that came out in different colors (blue, green, raspberry, pearl, black). Do you of you have a Sony Vaio and could give me some reviews on it?
I would appreciate it a lot.


Well-known member
get a Mac, get a Mac, get a Mac

no seriously, get a ibook! I have mine for nearly a year and I don't know how I survived without it. I would never go back to sony and windows (had that before)
and it's another MAC-addiction


Well-known member
I really debated whether to get a Vaio or an HP and in the end I decided to buy an HP just because it was cheaper and had the same features like the Sony!

But Vaio's look neat!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss_Behave
get a Mac, get a Mac, get a Mac

no seriously, get a ibook! I have mine for nearly a year and I don't know how I survived without it. I would never go back to sony and windows (had that before)
and it's another MAC-addiction

LMAO, girl, I was talking about MAC as in cosmetics. I was looking into ibooks but am not sure if I could get used to a new system. How much different is it from Windows?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_addict_77
BTW, I just realized that all of us are from Germany

the german-geek chicks

I was afraid of a new system too, and thought ...oh wait let me say that in german:

ich hab gedacht macs sind nur was für grafiker und das ich bestimmt nicht jede software bekomme die ich brauch und mich ja mit dem system nicht auskenne lalalalala. FALSCH! das ist echt windows denken. mit einem rechner hat man ständig probleme und 1000 dinge einstellen und installieren kann manchmal super nervig sein. das gibt es alles auf dem mac nicht. du musst nix lernen, alles ist intuitiv. installieren muss man auch nicht mehr - du schiebst das programm in den programm ordner und es ist installiert, fertig. es gibt jede software die du brauchst und die ist meistens sogar besser. ich arbeite in der computer branche (bei und nachdem ich jetzt 10 jahre mit windows gearbeitet habe und mir echt nicht vorstellen konnte was anderes zubenutzen, frag ich mit mittlerweile wieso ich nicht schon früher umgestiegen bin
und mal von den ganzen hartfacts abgesehen ist Mac OS einfach schöner

mein ibook ist seit ich es habe nicht einmal abgestürzt, die wlan verbindung hat 2 minuten gedauert, und wenn du dir ne airport express dazu kauft kannst du deine ganze musik vom ibook kabellos auf die stereoanalge übertragen lassen.
schneller ist es alle mal als ein vaio das ungefähr doppelt soviel kostet.

ok, I stop know before I get flamed for all the german.


Well-known member
Danke, ich glaub ich werde mir dann doch einen ibook kaufen. Welchen hast du? Den weissen? Ich brauche nicht viele extras da ich nicht mit grafik arbeite, ich will ein Buch schreiben und es zum internet brausen benutzen. Ich glauber der preis unterschied ist knapp $500. Das einzige das mich zum nachdenken bringt ist das ich nicht glaube das ich meinen ibook mit meinem compaq verbinden kann (networking) und ich weiss auch nicht ob ich es mit meinem wireless router benutzen kann. Hmm, muss mich ein bisschen besser informieren.


Well-known member
i have a sony vaio and i loooooooooooove it! i got it right before i left for school! its only 3 pounds and its pretty small! i love it because its so great -- and soo small!! i would definitely reccomend vaios to anyone! they really are great!!! good luck


Well-known member
Hey meaghan, which vaio do you have that is 3 lbs?

it really depends on what you are looking for honestly. if you never ever want to have a problem get a mac... but for me it would never be an option because im so use to syncing all my stuff with microsoft. plus a lot of things i use/play are not mac compatible. i was stuck between a vaio or a dell. I've had a dell and was pleased...but the vaio is so much more sleek and is a great great brand. great reliability. my boyfriend is a computer nut and is considering getting a vaio the sz series-- so for him to go main stream and not build his own (he built my computer) is a huge turnaround.

working for tech support, macs rarely mess up- if they do they just go straight to mfg referal... because there is very little you can change to help fix it. they take a little getting use to... but end up being more user friendly. give me an idea of what you want to do on it?

if you just want it to do hmwk, browse the web, store some pics... a mac is great great purchase choice.... especially because they're cute (omg boyfriend glaring at me)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
but for me it would never be an option because im so use to syncing all my stuff with microsoft. plus a lot of things i use/play are not mac compatible

just out of curiosity: what do you wanna sync?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss_Behave
just out of curiosity: what do you wanna sync?

smartphones/pdas... i know there is microsoft programs for Mac but for me the extra cost was not worth it... there seem to be some compatibility issues with some of the stuff on it and the smartphone i had. so unfortunately when i bought it-- it wasnt an option, because i had spent 500 dollars on a smartphone... a lot of the beta games i tried didn't have Mac downloads either... I didn't know if I wanted certain limitations.

although i do love photoshop for mac and that awesome dock bar thing at the bottom that scrolls... so neat