Soooo Danse is definitely not getting my money


Well-known member
Not even the MSFs. This collection was a HUGE let down.

These colors were even lighter than Culturebloom, and at least some of those lippies kept me happy.

Shameful. There better be some damn good stuff for the rest of the year to keep me happy.


Well-known member
There!! I'm glad it wasn't just me.

What's with all the paleness? I wasn't around for the Culturebloom collection, so, I can't compare Danse to it. But Danse was a huge letdown for me [ordered glissade and the 2 pigments]! When I saw the swatches and pictures of the products, I thought MAC had been persuaded to go "neutral" (yeecchhh! that's a bad-word for me). But I believe they're redeeming themselves with the Barbie and balloonacy collection!! Woot! Woot! Can't wait for those to come out.

You have any thoughts on the Icon collection. This one seems like "pale and neutral" for an NW45, too! Hmmpphh!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
...There better be some damn good stuff for the rest of the year to keep me happy.

Have you seen the pics from Barbie and Baloonacy? They look better for darker skins and those who just don't care for pastels!

I'm translucent, so I liked Danse. Some MAC is too vibrant for me.

Hopefully this year will be a little bit of something for everyone!



Well-known member
I'm not sure it'll get my money when it comes out over here (UK). I may be pale but I'm NO shrinking violet, so pale pastel shades don't even feature! Innuendo and Trax are the most neutral shades I own because I need something like that for work! I do own Beautiful Iris but its waaay too pale for everyday wear!


Well-known member
Oh, I like vibrant, too, but there are some things that are just a bit too bright for me. Well, I'm also old, so maybe that's part of it. I just can't wear matte teal and electric yellow on my eyes at work.

But if you aren't into pale colors, you'll probaby not be terribly thrilled. You may like the hot pink lip products...?


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one who was let down. I went to check Danse out yesterday and I was so disappointed. usually their Boxing day stuff is really nice but everything looked too pale, too dull! I ended up just gettting lightscapade.


Well-known member
Nothing for me either!! MAC comes out with a collection at least 2x a year that do not work with darker skin tones. I'm pretty thankful that this collection is not appealing 'cause my credit card needs a vacation after the Christmas holiday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
Have you seen the pics from Barbie and Baloonacy? They look better for darker skins and those who just don't care for pastels!

I'm translucent, so I liked Danse. Some MAC is too vibrant for me.

Hopefully this year will be a little bit of something for everyone!


I've not seen the barbie pics, would you mind posting a link or some pictures?


Well-known member
I am selflishly glad that this collection didn't suit a lot of people. Now before you shoot me hear me out!

I'm pale. I mean I'm glow in the dark freakin white as snow! The only thing that prevents me from blending in with paper are my freckles. I know it seems like still in this day and age white ladies are still unfairly catered to in the industry and while I sort of agree, from my perspective it seems more like mid-toned, from medium-light to tan is actually what most things are made for. Dark ladies get the shaft too often but us super pale, tend to be either be light asian or from the British isles, also very much get screwed. I won't even go into the pain of being both pale skinned and yellow-toned!

It is very hard for me to find colours that suit me. Everything looks overly pink, overly bright, overly intense, overly dark etc. Sometimes bright or dark is a great thing, but for every day at work, its very hard for me to find products that don't make me look like painted up!

Once a year, right after Xmas, MAC comes out with a pale, pre-spring collection that if I am LUCKY is not so filled with pinky pinks that I can finally get some things I can add to my regular rotation without having to either: apply lightly, blend in over a light colour, or find some other workaround so I look decent.

So I understand your frustration, I really do, I experience it with most collections myself! Try to see how these collections are a good thing though, I mean, its only once a year and I can't help being the colour of Vanilla ice cream and I need makeup too!


Well-known member
I am not that into Danse either. I am a C2/NC25 and these colors wash me out big time. I like something in the middle...not too bright but not too light. I am also not a big fan of a lot of shimmer on my face, so the MSF isn't my thing. After a couple of hours I have enough "natural shimmer" on my skin as it is.
I am all about Beauty Powder.

I think the Macy's e/s palette is pretty nice. I liked it better than the other shadows, actually.


Well-known member
I agree Leppy.

While this collection is not good for me (colour wise) I think it's awesome that others love it.

MAC has a tough job in the sense that it can be very difficult to please all customers all of the time. I am grateful for any collection that I can sit out as it's money just spent elsewhere.

Plus I get to walk around around with a false sense of confidence like I have overcome this pathetic need to buy from every freaking collection...and then comes along Icon, Barbie loves MAC, and Baloonacy and I realize I am truly MAC's bitch!

Before reading some posts on Specktra I never realized how hard finding colours for our paler skinned sisters are--I just assumed since most media featured fair skinned people that it would be pretty easy to find colours to wear. Well I learn something new everyday.


Well-known member
"Danse" has some nice items, but I'm not foaming at the mouth over it, either.
I've got pale skin, very green eyes, and dark brown hair, and most of the "Danse" colors are just not for me.
I do plan to get "French Grey" eyeshadow; taupes work great against my intensely-colored eyes.
You brown-eyed ladies are welcome to the pigments.
Blue or green shadows look absolutely wretched on me!
I feel a little bad about passing on the blue pigment, though. Every time I buy a pigment, I give some to a [brown-eyed] friend of mine whose budget doesn't allow for MAC. And I know she'd LOVE ADB!


Well-known member
I sort of agree, I'm N2/NW20-25 but I'm only even that dark cause I like my foundation a touch darker to give me some color. Everything lately seems to be made for the medium-tan tone range of gals, which is great for them because for a long time they were ignored in favor of very pale neutral shades. But alot of things are either too bright or completely wash me out. Nude colors and pastels do me no good, they blend right into my skin and then some collections like Culturebloom were too bright or warm for me for everyday. I also cannot wear neon green or orange to work, and I'm an MA! Our line I work for (not MAC) prefers a more natural to classic look so I do have to watch. I can slip some of my MAC in but if I came in wearing Chrome Yellow or Bitter they'd know it wasen't theirs!
I wanted to love Danse too, I ended up getting Danse l/s, Glissade & Lightscapade, Right of Spring & Jete e/s and that's it. I really wanted to love Rondelle but it looked like Forgery in the pics. which I own and never use..I have alot of taupes so I skipped French Grey and Swan Lake I almost got but anything bluey-grey looks like death on me so I knew better. I changed my hair from blonde to dark so corals and peaches/pinks that I used to love look horrible so there go most of the lippies. I'm holding out for Icon although it might be a tad warm for me and Barbie & Baloonacy looks more cool toned so I'm holding out for that.


Well-known member
i'm right there with you, esp. concerning the e/s...i was like, "these look like all colors you already have" :/ but the finishes were a bit better this time, unlike lingerie fron last year

i do like the MSFs, particularly glissade. i guess the winter collections are usually more muted, but to some, that's boring.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leppy
I am selflishly glad that this collection didn't suit a lot of people. Now before you shoot me hear me out!

I'm pale. I mean I'm glow in the dark freakin white as snow! The only thing that prevents me from blending in with paper are my freckles. I know it seems like still in this day and age white ladies are still unfairly catered to in the industry and while I sort of agree, from my perspective it seems more like mid-toned, from medium-light to tan is actually what most things are made for. Dark ladies get the shaft too often but us super pale, tend to be either be light asian or from the British isles, also very much get screwed. I won't even go into the pain of being both pale skinned and yellow-toned!

It is very hard for me to find colours that suit me. Everything looks overly pink, overly bright, overly intense, overly dark etc. Sometimes bright or dark is a great thing, but for every day at work, its very hard for me to find products that don't make me look like painted up!

Once a year, right after Xmas, MAC comes out with a pale, pre-spring collection that if I am LUCKY is not so filled with pinky pinks that I can finally get some things I can add to my regular rotation without having to either: apply lightly, blend in over a light colour, or find some other workaround so I look decent.

So I understand your frustration, I really do, I experience it with most collections myself! Try to see how these collections are a good thing though, I mean, its only once a year and I can't help being the colour of Vanilla ice cream and I need makeup too!

:c lap:

Well said!

~A translucent friend.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I'm glad that I didn't like anything from Danse (some of the items were nice, but not for me) & Jewelescent ; guilt free spending for the icon collection.



Well-known member
I Got Russe Lipstick, Corps-de-ballet Lipglass, And Glissade Msf, I'm Nc35 And Glissade Looks Really Nice As A Blush, I'm Planning To Get Pastorale Pigment And Jete E/s The Mua Actually Told Me The Same, She Didn't Like Danse, She Tried Lightscapade On Her, And It Was Like She Didn't Put Absolutely Nothing !!!


Well-known member
I don't normally like light or pastel colors but I loved this collection. I'm a huge MAC fan but alot of their products I just won't/can't wear, especially to work for example red pigment.

MAC isn't going to please all of their fans w/any one collection, that's why they introduce so many collections throughout the year. I didn't like anything from Couture or Jewelscent but I bought a ton from Danse. I'm not at all looking forward to any of the Barbie collection b/c I don't like brights or pinks.

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