

Well-known member
I cant believe i can post in "the den" section now lol,,,yes, MsB is preggo lol. I have been kinda avoiding Specktra since Ive been so sick and haven't even bothered with makeup lol but now that Ive passed my first trimester (13 weeks tomorrow woohoo) i can pretty myself up again
i feel like Specktra is my home away from home so I will definitely seeking advice from u lovely ladies... ima scan my lil...well growing beans picture soon.. I got to see the baby the day before my bday last week and it was a great gift to see he/she bouncing all around!!

Best of luck to all the other expecting mommies


Well-known member
Congratulations, that's wonderful! Best of luck to you, and a healthy pregnancy!

And that's cute that you called him or her a little bean, that's what we called my little sis when my mom was pregs. She told us she looked like a tiny lima bean so that was her nickname.. hehe.


Well-known member
Congratulations!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better!
My sister-in-law and her hubbie used to call their baby "Uncle Ben" b/c they said she looked like a grain of rice ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
I cant believe i can post in "the den" section now lol,,,yes, MsB is preggo lol. I have been kinda avoiding Specktra since Ive been so sick and haven't even bothered with makeup lol but now that Ive passed my first trimester (13 weeks tomorrow woohoo) i can pretty myself up again
i feel like Specktra is my home away from home so I will definitely seeking advice from u lovely ladies... ima scan my lil...well growing beans picture soon.. I got to see the baby the day before my bday last week and it was a great gift to see he/she bouncing all around!!

Best of luck to all the other expecting mommies

Best of luck to you and the lil one. I MISS you on YT and now I know why. God Bless. Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy!


Well-known member
i was wondering about you the other day!!! Congrats to you!!!! Get ready for the journey!!


Well-known member
Congrats! Enjoy it all, even the sick days. I know I know I did. I look at my son some days (he is 20 months) and wish for the days all the bouncing around he did was in my tummy, lol!


Well-known member
Congratulations!! Are you planning on finding out the sex of your baby? Omg you need to go on some major baby hauling!!

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