Speaking of bad parenting...


Well-known member
WTF is wrong with some people? How could you even think to use a tiny baby as a freakin weapon??? I hope thatpoor excuse for a mother never gets her child back. That is so off the wall....

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'd be surprised and saddened if she got her kids back. Nothing the guy could've done could justify that.


Well-known member
how do you accedentally swing your infant though the air and hit your boyfriend or whatever...

people like that should not be alowed to reproduce


Well-known member
That is the most disturbing thing I have ever read or seen. I seriously cried when I read it. I have a baby girl (9 months) and the thought of someone doing something like that with their precious child...I can't even type anything else I am so upset. She should go to jail for the rest of her life for attempted murder.


Well-known member
this makes me sick!
how can u even think of tradin in your child for a freakin used car!
I wouldnt trade him for a brand new pimped out bentley!
so gross..

its true some ppl jsut shouldnt have kids..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
OH no another bad one


Oh wow, wtf is wrong with people these days? Some people can't even have kids and want them so bad and some have them and don't even want them
. I don't get it...


Well-known member
I hope they never get the child back.
how traumatic to know ur parents wanted to trade u in for a used up dodge!

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