Speed of collections coming out..


Well-known member
Is anyone else abit taken aback by the speed of new collections coming out? I feel like i don't have enough time to appreciate anything! I don't have alot of Mac and still class myself as a newbie (not technically though) for that reason but surely other people must find it crazy aswell? I'd say i'm at the Goldplay collection mentally (but i'm restraining my Mac purchases for now anyway) but it seems most of the excitement for Mac collections are when the picutures come out and a few days after that but by then a new pic of a collection has come out and the other collection is old news by then. I guess it's exciting, i get such a rush from seeing the new stuff and don't get tired of it, but i just feel theres no time to appreciate anything and it's not like it's cheap stuff. Some of you guys are spending hundreds so quickly (albeit happily willingly) so i feel it'd be better if we got time to have fun with the things longer before we get excited and have to rush to get the new things.
Also i feel like they're going to end up rehasing and re promoting colours more because they're having so many things out.
I don't know, maybe i'm alone in this but i just feel Mac would feel more special and worthy if it brought out less and we were made to wait longer


I Fully Agree With You. I Haven't Even Had A Chance To Play With Everything I Just Bought And Then All The New Stuff Is Already Coming Out. I've Been Wearing Mac For 8 Years And Have Never Seen This Many Collections Come Out So Close Together. It's All A Plot To Get Us To Rush Out And Buy Everything Because It's L/E.


Well-known member
I'm 100% with you!!

I was seriously in love with Belle Azure, but everybody was talking about the next collection, with all this excitement, I stopped to play with my Belle Azure stuff, still like it, but feel like an idiot if I want to talk about Belle Azure when everybody already talk about Rebel Rock.

So yeah, for each collections, I play with my products for about 2 weeks, and let them sleep in my traincase.

I don't know if you understand what I mean, it's really hard to explain it when my native language is french...

Maybe we should make a Belle Azure team? Or a Madame B. team? Rebel Rock team? ect? and be all excited again? I want to play with 'old' collections!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
I'm 100% with you!!

I was seriously in love with Belle Azure, but everybody was talking about the next collection, with all this excitement, I stopped to play with my Belle Azure stuff, still like it, but feel like an idiot if I want to talk about Belle Azure when everybody already talk about Rebel Rock.

So yeah, for each collections, I play with my products for about 2 weeks, and let them sleep in my traincase.

I don't know if you understand what I mean, it's really hard to explain it when my native language is french...

Maybe we should make a Belle Azure team? Or a Madame B. team? Rebel Rock team? ect? and be all excited again? I want to play with 'old' collections!!!

I want to be on the Belle Azure team!


Well-known member
Not only do you not get to enjoy the product, sometimes you can't even get the product. I really wanted Rose D'or but it sold out within the first day of the release. So instead you have to rely on those people who prey upon the fact that these items are L/E so they buy 5 of the product then sell it for way more than it should be worth.
Unfortunate, but Estee Lauder corp sure knows how to make money.


Well-known member
I feel the same way, I want some of the glitter liners that I missed out on last year, praising god that the new VPs are permanent, and dreading ornamentalism and the holiday collection. I really want a brush set, mini paints and mini pigments but if I'm spending money on other collections its going to be hard to swing financially. That, and the whole not being able to truly enjoy my mac part..


Well-known member
belle azure team here!!!!!! ita with everything u said tho.. i hate that most of it is ALWAYS LE so there's such a frenzy created, stuff gets snapped up b4 u can blink, u play for a couple weeks then it's frenzy/hysteria time again when the new stuff comes out! sheesh =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
Woah we seriously need a Belle Azure Team now!!! :p

userCP > Miscellaneous > Group Memberships > Belle Azure Team > Join


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
userCP > Miscellaneous > Group Memberships > Belle Azure Team > Join

Yay, I joined!


New member
Originally Posted by DopeSickGirl
I want to be on the Belle Azure team!

i'll second this... i came to love mac when belle azure came out and i loved the colors and still do!!! and i completely agree with the collections coming out waaayyy to quickly. its kinda nuts that as soon as something comes out... they are already promoting the next collection that comes out like 2 weeks later. and most of the stuff is LE which means u get it now or not at all... i've only been with the whole mac things a couple of months and i feel like i've already missed out on so much because i didnt have the 150 bucks or more to spend on a whole collection.


Well-known member
Meh, I remember when these collections weren't so out of control. I get all excited and buy this stuff, and then it just sits there. I was elated about C Squeeze when I heard about it, and I have hardly used the shadows! I made an effort to take them out and play with them tonight. It seemed like as soon as I got them, it was time to get excited for Rebel Rock and they were completely forgotten, much like Rebel Rock has now been all but forgotten for other things.


Well-known member
I don't like it either, but what can one do? They see a way to make money...and do it. It'd be nice if they slowed down a little.

The new collections can also make you forget what you already own and you might even neglect to notice similar colours etc. (that is, when you're not looking for them).

Btw martygreene, I loved High Tea too. Missed out on Fine China l/g but it's probably too pale for me (nw20). That's what I say to console myself.


Well-known member
not only that, here in Australia we get the collection 2-3 weeks after the US, by which time the US has already moved onto the next collection and started talking about the one after that, so i'm over it before it even lands on our shores!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kristabella
not only that, here in Australia we get the collection 2-3 weeks after the US, by which time the US has already moved onto the next collection and started talking about the one after that, so i'm over it before it even lands on our shores!!

I agree! I feel a bit behind sometimes, when you are talking about the newest collection, for example: 25th of may is the next seminar, and that is when NE will be introduced.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweet8684girl
I find it hard to find which products I reeeeeeeeally need to pick up since there's always so many LE's!

I totally agree with this! Ive been sucked into buying so much LE stuff in the last year (well, last two years really) that I know I'm neglecting alot of great products that are in the regular lineup! It's so hard to resist the LEs, though, considering how fast they get snapped up.....

And I want on the D'Bohemia team!

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