Stereo Rose & Orgasm


Well-known member
Ok, I am seriously considering a backup of Stereo Rose..I LOVE IT!!!! I'm just afaid it will be a color they won't bring back next year like So Ceylon :-( ...but then again they may make an even better color! Well anyway....I was wondering if anyone thought that it compares to Nars Orgasm though??? It's a bit more pink right??? Let me know what you think....


Well-known member
hmm... imo stereo rose is more of a golden rose while orgasm is more of a goldy peach... i love them both, and i did get a backup of stereo rose for the very reason u mentioned!!


Well-known member
Stereo Rose is a rosy coral on me, whereas Orgasm is a pinky peach. (both have a bit of a golden sheen to them.) I love both of them!


Well-known member
I can't see the gold in Stereo Rose.

On me:

Stereo Rose is a Pinky Coral, soft and shimmery.

Orgasm is a lot of gold shimmers with a touch of pink.

Peachykeen is a darker pink with peach undertones.


Well-known member
Yea there is a definite difference.....thanks for the info and swatches I definitely need a!


Orgasm on me (NC30) is more pinky, more of a 'flush of color'

Stereo Rose is a corally-pink with a higher level of sheen, or 'glow'

I'm more in love with Stereo Rose right now, but IMO they both deserve a place in your life.