Well-known member
As we get older we realize that we might have lost some of our child hood and left it all behind. I have roller skated since I was 7 years old and I grew up at the roller skating rink. I skated at least 4 times a week and I made friends there too. I skated my ass of everytime I went there, I wasn't the girl who made out with the boys in the back, I wasn't the girls who smoked cigg's and weed before I went skating, and I wasn't the girl who got drunk before I went skating, I wasn't the girl that was there to really socialize and bullshit and start teenage drama. I was the girl who figure skated all day long until my feet couldn't handle anymore. I was the girl people would ooh and awe at because of my artistic spins. I was the girl that the cool people made fun of. Then all of that changed at 17 years old when I met my first asshole boyfriend, who ruined me and left me heartbroken, he ruined my skating and the fun that use to come along with it. I became like the rest of the girls !!! COOL !!! He caused problems and fights, and even got me kicked out of the rink at one point. But I have been back there in the past few years and not really felt the same about skating as I use to feel. Until recently, I got myself back. I am skating again, all alone with no one at my side to bother me, no one on my mind to keep me from what I do best. I just go out there with my
!Pod, I listen to my music and I skate my ass off like I use to do. I just don't give a fuck, and that's how I was before I met the asshole. It's been a while sicne I've felt that way. I feel like that happy teenager that just didn't have a care in the world, I was care free, and I still am the same girl after all these years. All the people who made fun of me for being a virgin, or for skating and spinning for hours, for being innocent, can fuck off because they have miserable lives and haven;t moved forward or progressed in their lives, they're still at the same pointe now as they were 7 years ago. And I'm the one who stayed pure, I have no kids and I'm free. I guess it all works out in the end. I might have just sounded like a bitch taking about my happiness and their misery but the moral of the story is : WHO CARES IF YOU DON'T FIT IN, BEING DIFFERENT IS OKAY, IT'S BETTER IN THE LONG RUN. JUST BE REAL BE YOURSELF.
!Pod, I listen to my music and I skate my ass off like I use to do. I just don't give a fuck, and that's how I was before I met the asshole. It's been a while sicne I've felt that way. I feel like that happy teenager that just didn't have a care in the world, I was care free, and I still am the same girl after all these years. All the people who made fun of me for being a virgin, or for skating and spinning for hours, for being innocent, can fuck off because they have miserable lives and haven;t moved forward or progressed in their lives, they're still at the same pointe now as they were 7 years ago. And I'm the one who stayed pure, I have no kids and I'm free. I guess it all works out in the end. I might have just sounded like a bitch taking about my happiness and their misery but the moral of the story is : WHO CARES IF YOU DON'T FIT IN, BEING DIFFERENT IS OKAY, IT'S BETTER IN THE LONG RUN. JUST BE REAL BE YOURSELF.