Still the same girl =)


Well-known member
As we get older we realize that we might have lost some of our child hood and left it all behind. I have roller skated since I was 7 years old and I grew up at the roller skating rink. I skated at least 4 times a week and I made friends there too. I skated my ass of everytime I went there, I wasn't the girl who made out with the boys in the back, I wasn't the girls who smoked cigg's and weed before I went skating, and I wasn't the girl who got drunk before I went skating, I wasn't the girl that was there to really socialize and bullshit and start teenage drama. I was the girl who figure skated all day long until my feet couldn't handle anymore. I was the girl people would ooh and awe at because of my artistic spins. I was the girl that the cool people made fun of. Then all of that changed at 17 years old when I met my first asshole boyfriend, who ruined me and left me heartbroken, he ruined my skating and the fun that use to come along with it. I became like the rest of the girls !!! COOL !!! He caused problems and fights, and even got me kicked out of the rink at one point. But I have been back there in the past few years and not really felt the same about skating as I use to feel. Until recently, I got myself back. I am skating again, all alone with no one at my side to bother me, no one on my mind to keep me from what I do best. I just go out there with my
!Pod, I listen to my music and I skate my ass off like I use to do. I just don't give a fuck, and that's how I was before I met the asshole. It's been a while sicne I've felt that way. I feel like that happy teenager that just didn't have a care in the world, I was care free, and I still am the same girl after all these years. All the people who made fun of me for being a virgin, or for skating and spinning for hours, for being innocent, can fuck off because they have miserable lives and haven;t moved forward or progressed in their lives, they're still at the same pointe now as they were 7 years ago. And I'm the one who stayed pure, I have no kids and I'm free. I guess it all works out in the end. I might have just sounded like a bitch taking about my happiness and their misery but the moral of the story is : WHO CARES IF YOU DON'T FIT IN, BEING DIFFERENT IS OKAY, IT'S BETTER IN THE LONG RUN. JUST BE REAL BE YOURSELF.



Well-known member
Excellent post! It's nice to see you confident in your own skin, maturity helps this a great deal.
Sounds like your on your way to discovering your confidence, and in turn, your self esteem. :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Excellent post! It's nice to see you confident in your own skin, maturity helps this a great deal.
Sounds like your on your way to discovering your confidence, and in turn, your self esteem. :thumbsup:

I agree with you on that I feel confident in my own skin, and it feels good to be free.


Well-known member
Good for you girl!!! I am only starting to get confident in my own feels great


Well-known member
Girl, I am considerably older than you and I still love to skate!

Always be true to will never go wrong.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone above. The happiest time in my life is right now because I have learned to just be myself. There is nothing more freeing than realizing that you are just fine the way you are. I have always beat to my own drum and am finally ok with that.
I am glad that you posted this!


Well-known member
I just turned 18 and I hate it because I don't feel like it.
In some aspects I feel like an old lady (I love reading, jazz, naps, old movies, etc.) and then I feel 'little-ish' (I also love Disney movies, playing Barbie with my baby sister, and I'm very much attached to my parents). It sucks because I feel like everyone around me wants me to grow up and just be mature like overnight. It sucks. I feel your pain. I can still remember how depressed I was when I reached the age where I had to give my Barbies and dolls away, I remeber doing it because I didn't want kids to think I was dumb or a baby. So dumb. It sucks that our society is pushing kids to grow up faster and faster. Good for you with rollerskating! Who cares???!!

btw- i plan on living at home for a loooong time, no need to rush out on my own. being this age sucks, cuz you just feel like whatever you do is going to affect the rest of your life, so you better not screw up. meh, i'm probably too hard on myself.


Well-known member
thank you so much for the post.
its really good to read someone talking about good things, about happiness in being just who and how you are.
i feel exactly the same, but without the asshole exboyfriend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
I just turned 18 and I hate it because I don't feel like it.
In some aspects I feel like an old lady (I love reading, jazz, naps, old movies, etc.) and then I feel 'little-ish' (I also love Disney movies, playing Barbie with my baby sister, and I'm very much attached to my parents). It sucks because I feel like everyone around me wants me to grow up and just be mature like overnight. It sucks. I feel your pain. I can still remember how depressed I was when I reached the age where I had to give my Barbies and dolls away, I remeber doing it because I didn't want kids to think I was dumb or a baby. So dumb. It sucks that our society is pushing kids to grow up faster and faster. Good for you with rollerskating! Who cares???!!

btw- i plan on living at home for a loooong time, no need to rush out on my own. being this age sucks, cuz you just feel like whatever you do is going to affect the rest of your life, so you better not screw up. meh, i'm probably too hard on myself.

you sound like me old movies and jazz, you know what that's different, and there's nothing wrong with being different, I too am attached to my parents, I still live at home and I'm in no rush to move out, not until I'm married that is.