Strange problem with money...

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Well I guess this is the oppositte to what happens to most young people, but maybe there is someone in my situation... I'm a saving freak.

I work sooo hard, and because I'm in a long distance relationship (meaning plane tickets and lots of spendings, plus the need of having a safety net of savings in case something goes wrong) I'm used to saving money hardcore.

The thing is, when I see something that I like I can't bring myself to buy it, because there's a voice inside me that tells me not to do it, and that I must save. If I spend money on myself I feel guilty... It's strange to describe.

I saw these eyeshadows that I really like, and I have promised myself that I'll get one each week because they're only like $5 each, and I'm allowed to spend $5 a week on myself, but I'm already regretting it and I haven't even bought them yet...

I know this will be hard to understand, but maybe someone knows what I mean...


Well-known member
Totally way you can deal with the guilt (because you are entitled to enjoy your life if you work that hard, girl!!!) is to set aside money each time you get paid...this money is for you to spend on ANYTHING at all without takes some getting used to, but we should work to live...not live to work!

Spend some money, will ya???

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
That's what I'm trying to do, even if it's something silly like one eyeshadow a week... I will learn how to spend something on myself I guess!


Well-known member
Always be good to's good to treat yourself to things...makes all that hard work worthwhile (but it is admirable that you are such a saver, too!)


Well-known member
I'm jealous of your 'problem' haha, but I think it'd be good for you to set a little aside and then treat yourself. You've been saving saving saving, so you could almost look at it like your reward for being so responsible with your money.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I did what you said girls and I got myself two eyeshadows yesterday... They're not very expensive, and at least I felt like I was treating myself... I've had a couple "regretting" thoughts but I'm trying to think I deserve them, and that it's part of expanding my makeup kit (I do freelance for photography and weddings)

Here they are hehe to prove that I did it!



Well-known member
I have that problem as well. Sometimes I will go a while without spending then I will "binge". I never wipe out my account, but it makes me feel guilty because of the self control I like to have. I think I do it because I remember the times in my life when I struggled. I told myself I never want to go through that again!

Good advice given. If you put aside what you need to live, what you need to feel comfortable (savings), what's left over is for you to treat yourself. Saving all of your loose change also works.


Well-known member
OMG I envy you for being so stricked with your money
! I wish I could be like you with my savings but unfortunatly I'm not. I mean I can save money but in my case, each check I put a few hundred aside for savings and the rest is for bills, food, gas, and all stuff like that. Every two weeks, after all my expenses and if I have extra cash, you better believe I'm spending it on myself
. I don't feel bad either! I mean I work my ass off for my money so I deserve to spend alittle something on myself here and there. As long as I have all my proirities taken care of first, then I have the right to go out and get the stuff I need and want.

You shouldn't feel bad either! I've seen some Fotd's where you say this look is for this job and that job so I can clearly see you work just as hard and anyone therefore, you have the right to pamper youself once in awhile. I'm not saying to go out and spend your whole check on mu, I'm saying that once all your expenses are paid for, and once you put a bit in your saving then it's ok to go out and pamper yourself once in awhile. For me, whenever I go out and buy something for myself, it helps me feel better, I feel happy and fortunate that I can afford to get the stuff I need/want.

Maybe try doing this, every pay check put aside a big chunk on money for your savings. Whatever you have left is for bills and stuff like that. Then put money aside just for yourself. It's gonna add up so when you want to buy something for yourself, you wont have to dip into you saving and wont feel bad. deserve it!!

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
That sounds like a very good idea... I don't have many bills, other than rent (150€) and bus pass (25€) every month... the problem is I work as a hostess so I'm on call, I never know how much I'm going to work/make every month... one month I might make 700€ (like last month) and the next 150€...

And then my second job, I'm a public relations for a pub (I get 20/30€ every thursday) which is enough to pay for the bus pass and set a little money aside for things I might need (shoes for work, a jacket, stuff like that)

I guess having a stable job and knowing how much I will earn every month would give me more stability... And I'm going to do that, one eyeshadow every week to motivate myself hehehe.


Well-known member
Oh man...I seriously need to learn to save...I only this summer got my first proper summer job and as soon as I had money I would go shopping and I realized halfway through that I was not at all looking at what the total would come to...the cashier would tell me, I wouldnt here and I would pass over my debit card and she would swipe it and it would always say accepted/ I didnt care.

I kinda learned to save money cuz I had opened an INGdirect account and since it earns such good interest I was more into saving than with my crappy other account that earns me 1 cent a month...haha..

But now at school I need to buget and save and plan out everything or I get stuck for money and have to go 3 weeks without buying groceries (not too bad since my family stocked me up on pasta and rice at the beginning of the year...but kinda monotonous)...and I dont eat much meat cuz its expensive. But I still try to reward myself with presents (makeup or candy)...

You should set up a system like for every 100 (200/500/etc) dollars you save you can buy yourself 1 cosmetic item (thats relatively cheap)...or if you dont buy that one item you could save up the potential for like 3 of the cheaper items and buy a more expensive item...

I dunno...I seriously wish I could save money...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
Maybe try doing this, every pay check put aside a big chunk on money for your savings. Whatever you have left is for bills and stuff like that. Then put money aside just for yourself. It's gonna add up so when you want to buy something for yourself, you wont have to dip into you saving and wont feel bad. deserve it!!

maybe start up a separate account for your splurges? I'm calling mine the "Ladies nice things" account in a bid to control what i spend and save more.

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