Strange question about lips?


Well-known member
Ok i dunno if this is possible but you know those little lines in your lips is there anyway to smooth them out without getting lip injections? If not any suggestions to get smoother/nicer lips or any to make them appear bigger?


Well-known member
at night, lather those things up with vaseline before you go to bed
in the morning, try using some carmex before you apply your lipstick/gloss. do the carmex, then the rest of your makeup and hair, and then do the lips last that way the carmex has time to fill in those little cracks.

there's also some treatments from most drugstore brands that will smooth those lines out
i think covergirl or revlon just came out with one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
at night, lather those things up with vaseline before you go to bed
in the morning, try using some carmex before you apply your lipstick/gloss. do the carmex, then the rest of your makeup and hair, and then do the lips last that way the carmex has time to fill in those little cracks.

there's also some treatments from most drugstore brands that will smooth those lines out
i think covergirl or revlon just came out with one.

Thank you chicka, I've heard quite alot of girls big up carmex I just always assumed it was another ordinary lip balm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miz_becki
Thank you chicka, I've heard quite alot of girls big up carmex I just always assumed it was another ordinary lip balm.

nooo carmex isnt ordinary.its very very good shtuffs just tastes very bad lol.i also like cvs's version of chastick,it's not like the regular chap's very creamy,i use it b4 i go to bed at night,i think it's called chap can do the whole toothbrush thing too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prppygrl69
nooo carmex isnt ordinary.its very very good shtuffs just tastes very bad lol.i also like cvs's version of chastick,it's not like the regular chap's very creamy,i use it b4 i go to bed at night,i think it's called chap can do the whole toothbrush thing too.

I usually use this stuff called blistex it's like a cream in a tube and when i put it on it tingles but totally gets rid of chapped lips but doesnt make my lips totally smooth how i want..does carmex do the same or something else special about it? Yeah I was thinking about the toothbrush thing I havent done that in ages it makes my lips go all funny


Well-known member
I think you should look into this &Nz=0
I bought a skin regime from this line and I really like it; I was tempted to buy the lip kit but needed to curb my spending so I didn't pick it up. It is pricier than Carmex and stuff but I think it looks really good, and comes with a serum to apply around the mouth area to puff up those creases you mentioned.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
I think you should look into this &Nz=0
I bought a skin regime from this line and I really like it; I was tempted to buy the lip kit but needed to curb my spending so I didn't pick it up. It is pricier than Carmex and stuff but I think it looks really good, and comes with a serum to apply around the mouth area to puff up those creases you mentioned.

You think it would work then yeah ? It looks good but sometimes i get scared of spending money on things that dont work.Thanks for the link though Ive never seen an actual kit like that.


Well-known member
The Shopping Channel has a good return policy so if it doesn't work then you can get a refund. The creator did have amazing lips:p


Well-known member
LipFusion. LipFusion XL is a waste of $50, no better than the original. Lip Injection by Too Faced is good too, and cheaper.


Well-known member
There are lip wax kits you can use, they sort of fill these gently crevices and ensure that lip colour doesn't bleed into them when you wear l/s or gloss. ModelCo (available on Sephora) has one I believe. It's not too expensive in Australia, not sure about over where you are though.


Well-known member
It's great that so many people love Carmex, but it does not work for everyone. It totally dries out my lips. You can also use Vaseline or Aquaphor (Aquaphor feels a little smoother to me). I like Aveeno, Burt's Bees, and the Body Shop Shea Lip Butter for regular balm to carry with me during the day.

something I tried recently after reading tips here: apply your chosen balm, wait 5-10 minutes (I usually make up my eyes while waiting), brush your lips with a soft toothbrush to exfoliate, then apply balm again. My lips are almost always chapped, and this makes them SOOOOO smooth.


Well-known member
I used a wet washcloth and ryb my lips in circles, it smooths them out and plumps them up a litle bit, kinda like a little kiss


Well-known member
Quite honestly, I use the Satin Lips set from Mary Kay (yes! Mary Kay!)

It comes with the Lip Mask, which is used as an exfoliater on the lips, then the Lip Balm, which, their website says, "Clinical results show that a single application of Lip Balm moisturizes lips for at least six hours."

I'm pretty keen on it - it's worked wonders for my winter chapped lips!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by litlaur
It's great that so many people love Carmex, but it does not work for everyone. It totally dries out my lips. You can also use Vaseline or Aquaphor (Aquaphor feels a little smoother to me). I like Aveeno, Burt's Bees, and the Body Shop Shea Lip Butter for regular balm to carry with me during the day.

something I tried recently after reading tips here: apply your chosen balm, wait 5-10 minutes (I usually make up my eyes while waiting), brush your lips with a soft toothbrush to exfoliate, then apply balm again. My lips are almost always chapped, and this makes them SOOOOO smooth.

i bought the aquaphor for my tattoo and since i have so much left, i use it here and there on my lips.

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