Strange uses for MAC in day to day life


Well-known member
Weird little story here but I think it will make a few people laugh.

I was at the doctors office during the week and he was asking me the usual questions doctors ask when he asked me to describe a the colour of something ( you can use your imagination there lol) and before I had a chance to think about what I was saying I found myself telling him it was like amber lights without the sparkle, to which he gave me the strangest look. Luckily enough I had it with me in a hand made quad to show him. He seemed quite impressed and replied to me i think you've just justified my wifes large make up collection.

Well thats me little story, and I was just wondering if anyone else has found themselves bringing MAC into there day to day life like me?


Well-known member
HAHAHAHA!!! I love it!

Oh, my dirty little brain is working overtime trying to figure out the color of *WHAT* he was asking you to describe!!



Well-known member
that's hilarious!

i always use color names to describe the color of anything i want people to imagine. i use it to describe the color of shoes, clothes, purses, you name it. of course, its almost always to my co-workers since they're the only ones around me that would know what color i'm talking about.


Well-known member
my bf is an art student ;when he talks about his paintings he compares the colours to my shadows lol


Well-known member
LOL, I used my palettes the other day to help decide on a colour scheme for my families lounge & dining rooms.


Well-known member
That was super funny and made my day.

I find a lot of MAC girls I work with describe people and things as eyeshadow or foundation colors.
I find myself describing a shirt I bought "it's like trax". or "I saw this really hot guy... he was like a c6".
somehow we all get it and it's normal now.


Well-known member
Not quite but I see colors all the time and think, "I have an eyeshadow that color." It's kind of remarkable really. As much as I have complained about MAC's lack of color at times I find myself seeing familiar colors everywhere.


Well-known member
that was such a cute story, lol. my husbands family had a paint and body shop for years so him and his brother grew up around the whole painting and finishing thing, so he will tell me, o hey that eyeshadow looks like so and so, or ill look at old pics of his that him or his bro painted, and im like omg, i want to try a color like that, hahaha. love it.


Well-known member
That's one of the most awesome stories I've ever heard!! That was friggin' hilarious!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
hahah that's funny! mine isn't really about the colors but when i see if we stay in a hotel that's room 219, i'll remember the brush! lol


Well-known member
Not exactly about the makeup itself but...I love to pack my lunch in a Japanese style bento box to take to work but I don't have any little containers for sauces & such. Last week I discovered that an empty MAC sample jar is perfect; and since it's made to store makeup it's food safe. :)


Hah I'm sitting in class and started cracking up in the middle of my professor's lecture on health care plans =)

I did that once. I was trying to describe a really cute hair colour I saw to my friend and was like "It's kind of a Brown Down colour..." and she was like "what's brown down?" oops.