Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place with Dynamite Shoved Up My Bum...


Well-known member
That's what it feels like for me right now. There are alot of sage women (and even a few sage fellas) here, and I just need a place to vent.

Essentially, I'm caught between the middle of a vicious catfight.

In one corner, we have Friend A, who I've known for about a year and though our friendship has been rocky because of her own issues, I thought we'd at least remain on good terms. She's got a habit of lying though, and stealing.

In the other corner, there's Friend B, who I've known for a large chunk of my life, who happens to be one of the most honest people I know, but can also be very vindictive and sadistic if you cross her. I've been fortunate to have not so far.

In the middle, a couple feet away from me, is Friend C, who B and myself have known for quite awhile as well. Friend C also is suffering from an uncurable ailment that has only been divulged to myself and B.

A and B have been on the outs recently; B set up a bit of a test, to see if whether or not A would steal from her, and she failed and lied about it. This caused B to retaliate by posting a blog about the discussions between them, the lies and disgust and whatnot. Since C and I have been through alot with B, and we know what A is capable of, we naturally gravitate towards B.

B sets things off even further by ending the blog with a link to some rather lewd material featuring A she had taped when she needed money.

Today, things blew up when C decided to get involved in the blog wars, posting a reaction blog to something smug A had written about the entire situation, esentially calling her out on her lies. About an hour letter, C and myself receive a letter from A, informing us that she, as well as B's boyfriend and former roommate, know of C's ailment, something only B and myself had known and were supposed to know about.

C confronts B, and B has no apologies, B doesn't even really have any reason as to why she told A this secret other than "[A] said [C] was going to tell [A] anyway."

This is such a messed up situation right now, and all B can think about is revenge, she doesn't even see how much more she could be hurting all of us in the process.


Well-known member
Duck your head, offer no opinions, and only answer questions directly from one person about your relationship with that person.

That's what I'd do at least.

Wow that sucks. =/


Well-known member
Wow, that sounds very confusing. I have no constructive advice (and I get the feeling there is no good action for you to take), but I feel your pain. That is a convoluted and difficult situation.


Well-known member
Try not to get involved in their arguments, that can only lead to trouble, remain neutral. Good luck, this sounds hairy.


Well-known member
Thank you ladies. I'm not so worried for myself, but for "C", just because it's a really huge deal having this secret be held over his head. I try to be loyal to my friends, but it's even harder when the closest one is acting the most vicious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Thank you ladies. I'm not so worried for myself, but for "C", just because it's a really huge deal having this secret be held over his head. I try to be loyal to my friends, but it's even harder when the closest one is acting the most vicious.

If you are worried about "C," try to support him without passing judgment or taking sides. I am sure he will appreciate it.


Well-known member
B keeps on bugging me about getting the message A sent to me, the one where A mouthed off about C's condition, so she can bust A out about it.

I'm trying not to talk to anyone involved, at least for the next few days. I'm going to be hermetic for the next coupla days until I have to work, which kinda sucks because I have to work with B on Friday for a shoot. Well, I don't "have" to, but you know, work is work...

Again, thanks all.


Well-known member
If I read correctly, A and B are both females. Women can be very vindictive and mean; I've been in similar situations with female friends in the past and frankly, it's the reason I now tend to hang around mostly guys.

I'm not saying you should rid B of your life, but I'd stay out of her way for now. She was wrong for what she did and until she can fully realize that, she doesn't deserve the support of you or C.