Submerged and still FLAWLESS!


Well-known member
Ok. So I dont know where to put this because it doesnt really fit anywhere, but it had to be said (mods please move if necessary)

First of all my makeup... I wear almost everything Mac. Face, Eyes, Lips.... Everything.

I got all ready to go to my daughters (shes 5) end of the year T-ball pool party. Long story short Marissa (my daughter) was playing and got pushed into the deep end of the pool. She started yelling and crying and no one saw her but me (mothers instinct i guess) so I jumped in the pool clothes and all and grabbed her! (She is totally fine. no worries.)

But the moral of my story is. All of my makeup stayed in place! My Eyes, lips face ...everything was perfect. People couldnt stop commenting on how great I looked after being submerged in the pool!

So Thank you MAC! I love you! Your product made my day a little better, I mean who wants to look like crap after a situation like that!!!


Well-known member
I am so glad your daughter is okay! That would be so scary.
That is awesome to know that MAC can withstand even dips in the pool. I get so sweaty in the summer I might as well have plunged my face into water.


Well-known member
lol wow thats pretty awesome. You sound like a great (and h-o-t mom)

You go girl! And I hope you beat someones derriere for pushing your daughter!


Well-known member
Im glad your lil one is ok, and you're such a great Mom! Totally agree with CantAffordMac, that must have looked damn hot, *me thinks of Baywatch. LOL, what exactly were you using? Were you using fix+? i never got in water with make-up (ok, waterproof mascara and lipgloss/lipstick don't count, deal?). Thats such a cool story!


Well-known member
wow that is neat it stayed I am sorry to hear that your daughter got pushed into the deepend it is good to hear you were watching her so closely! I would have done the same thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
wow, great save!
mac also stays on in other extracurricular activities as well, lol.

That it does, my dear. That it does.


Well-known member
Fabulous Mom with Fabulous Makeup! What a fantastic advertising idea for MAC cosmetics. A woman running in slow motion, pushing others out of her way to save her beloved child. She is wearing a Chanel summer dress with Louboutins, her hair is perfectly coiffed along with a gorgeous MAC (we'll say Naughty Nauticals) face.

She jumps in the pool, saves her child and emerges unscathed. Hair and makeup intact. Flawless!!!!

Seriously, props to you for caring so much about your child! Very impressive!


Well-known member
Im glad that your daughter is safe! she is lucky to have a supermom haha. Yeah MAC is family and I went to a theme park and went on this water ride that creates a big splash at the end. We were in the back and we were drenched. My mom was wearing a lot of dark eyemakeup from MAC and Dior and it all stayed put!

Well you know now that you will look great when you are dry and wet! now you can swim with MAC mu on when your in the pool knowing that it wont smear.


Well-known member
I'm glad your daughter is ok!

And totally love mac, we have swimming in school and I go in with a full face of makeup and come out with it all still on, even if it is a little smudged


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Fabulous Mom with Fabulous Makeup! What a fantastic advertising idea for MAC cosmetics. A woman running in slow motion, pushing others out of her way to save her beloved child. She is wearing a Chanel summer dress with Louboutins, her hair is perfectly coiffed along with a gorgeous MAC (we'll say Naughty Nauticals) face.

She jumps in the pool, saves her child and emerges unscathed. Hair and makeup intact. Flawless!!!!

Seriously, props to you for caring so much about your child! Very impressive!

I Love it!! We have to send this full credit to you of course!

Maybe we can get some free makeup in exchange for the great idea.haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I am glad she's ok and you are fab mom!

i love the name Marissa

Thank you me too! Im glad shes a girl, casue I boy would have been Maurice (after my husbands friend who passed away) and thats not one of my favorite names. no offense anyone I hope~!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Im glad your lil one is ok, and you're such a great Mom! Totally agree with CantAffordMac, that must have looked damn hot, *me thinks of Baywatch. LOL, what exactly were you using? Were you using fix+? i never got in water with make-up (ok, waterproof mascara and lipgloss/lipstick don't count, deal?). Thats such a cool story!

I was using fix+ OMG! is that the secret!!


Well-known member
you sound like a cool mum

i want to be like you when i eventually have children
aweosme makeup and superhuman instincts when it comes to the kids. yeah!


Well-known member
awww! yeah, i can totally picture this story as an advertisement! super mom, super m.a.c! haha

happy to hear your daughter is okay!