substitute for chrome yellow?!


Well-known member
so basically i LOVE using a combination of bright green/bright blue for my eyes [in case we haven't noticed haha]...but i'd love to put some yellow in there so there will be a yellow faded to green faded to blue thing going on.

i think chrome yellow would be the PERFECT shadow for this look BUT apparently, they only sell chrome yellow at mac stores and not at the counters. laaame. i probably won't be able to get to a mac store for a while.

does anyone have any good recs for a substitute? i want it to be REALLY bright and vibrant so it would match the likes of juxt and belle azure or milani's garden mist and atlantis.


Well-known member
Trucco's Polka Dot Bikini is the same base color- it has a little sparkle, but you can't see it when it is on the eye.