Suicidal thoughts are gone :)


Well-known member
I have posted so many times on here about suicide and how badly I wanted to do it, I even asked for help.

I have made such a turn around since last year. Now even when things seem to be so bad I just can't give up, giving up is no longer an option. My relationship with my parents has improved a lot since last year. I have set some goals that are realistic to accomplish and I am taking little steps at a time. This year is a makeover year for me in every way. In my physical appearance, my mental health, my spending habits, and my saving habits.

I use to go to the MAC Counter the day a new collection would come out and buy eveything I could afford, even if it meant that I would be broke afterwords. Now I go and take a look and buy only the colors that I would actually use, and colors that are too different then anything else I have already bought from MAC.

I really have been strong lately, things between my parents have been rocky, as soon as they get over a stupid problem they start a new stupid one and it's just been a cycle for us at home. They fight and yell at each other like every married couple, we had a terrible holiday and bad New Years, the past two months have felt like I have been going to Hell and back. We spent our hoildays and New Years fighting and crying, it was a nightmare.

I have had a lot of weight put on my shoulders, I feel like if I wasn't here to comfort my mom when she's crying, then who would? and what would she do without me?
If I wasn't here to help my dad at work who would help him ? I feel like the glue that''s holding us as afamily together, I am the strong one, I am actually handling many things at on time and I still have a desire to live, I feel like a fighter. I cry at times because it is only normal, but I use to cry for days, weeks, and even months. It would take me so long to get over how I was feeling, when indeed there was no need to cry so much. In fact all the stress I have had over the past 3 years have worsened my eye site and my contact lense prescription just keeps worsening over the years, but I hope this year it will be more stable.

I am also off my meds and no longer have to see a counseler.

Anyways, sorry for ranting so much, I just wanted to share my change with you on here because I have been through a lot and I am doing so much better, I hope that people will read this and realize that there is hope for meloncholy, hope for the hopeless, hope for a tomorrow, and it will get better. It won't always be perfect, but don't waste your time and always be strong, in each of us is a fighter.

I Love you all thanks for reading



Well-known member
I'm proud of you. I know there coems times when there is doubt and you really really do want to just kill yourself but it takes a very very strong person to stand up to it and simply say: No. I won't.

I'm very proud of you and I just gotta tell you-keep it up. You're strong and keep fighting.


Well-known member
I'm glad that things have become better for you. With your new positive attitude things will only get better. And if you're ever down you know where you can always come to rant about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I'm glad that things have become better for you. With your new positive attitude things will only get better. And if you're ever down you know where you can always come to rant about it.

Thank you all so much for your help in many things,and in keeping me insipired and giving me a place where I can express myself. I have no friends to talk to I have no relatives to talk to here in America, all of my family lives in the middle east, I'm very lonely, and I feel that even though I have not met any of you on here, I can still let it be known about how I am feeling, and there's always people on here to respond and tell me that it will be okay, because sometimes we need to hear that from others, and this is the only place I can hear it or say it and feel better. Thanks.



Well-known member
Pascal, I can relate to you with what you've been through and is currently going through so I really know how it feels.

I'm glad you've gotten better!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Congratulations on conquering your personal demons! It's so difficult to do, and I'm really proud you did it.


Well-known member
Oh this is such great news! Thank you so much for sharing! I've been there... and it's been almost 3 years since then and I am a world of different person... or maybe I should say I am really me now... if you ever need anyone to talk to you... you know where my PM button is! Love you honey and keep taking care of yourself!


Well-known member
i'm so proud of you. i've been there and doesn't it feel amazing when you've gotten through it okay? keep loving life, keep smiling and don't give up sweetheart.


Well-known member
I am very proud of keep taking care of yourself, and everything else will fall into place...


Well-known member
Congratulations on finding the light at the end of the tunnel that is always there - if only more depressed people would look up and see it. It is hard to be everyone's rock, so snaps to you.

I love that Specktra gives us a forum to express our thoughts, from deep stuff like this to what make-up we have on that day, and to get feedback and support from a great group of caring and helpful people.


Well-known member
i'm so proud of you that you could get over such horrible feelings and thoughts. i've been there, and it's the greatest thing in the world to realize how much you're needed and loved, and when you realize that you're so important to so many people. stay strong, girly! :loveya:


Well-known member
You know I was snooping the hair salon the other day and I noticed that you're pretty much a wizard when it comes to hair dye. I think that your new attitude is going to help tons, but I think you should also take the time to remind yourself how awesome you are, and that you have unique talents. I know that we may brush off our abilities as being unimpressive while others may see them as incredible, and it feels great to remind yourself that hey, not everyone can do what I can. So yes, I think you have some pretty impressive knowledge and ability when it comes to dying hair, and I barely know you. Surely there have to be other cool things like that, you just have to think of them. Best of luck in your self improvment! *hugs*

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