Sundressing Bronzer - Deep Dark


Well-known member
Oh my God I am madly in love with this product, I already have a tan so when I tried the Deep Dark Skin Bronzer WOW... I looked even darker, this stufff is amazing it doesn't streak nor stain. I love it, I had to buy 2 of them though.


Well-known member
Cool! Tell me more ... I ordered it in Dark but haven't received it yet. What is the texture like? And does it really not stain your hands? Excellent!


Well-known member
I am an NW25 and I bought dark yesterday. Perfect colour for me. I love this stuff!

It is in mousse form. It sprays out into a little blob, then you have to spread it out. It has a gorgeous scent (it smells quite similar to the Ines De La Fressange perfume) and a slight, slight glow to it. Very subtle. Just enough to help make it look more realistic. It shouldn't stain your hands as it is not a self-tanner, as I understand it, it is just body makeup.

I sprayed a bit on one area of my arm, then spread it out, then did the upper arm. I found it applies better when you just do a smaller area at a time.

As far as the durability: It stayed on pretty well. Although, I don't know if I would wear it with a lighter colour clothing (I had on black). I don't know that I would trust it to stay, especially in hot weather when persperation or humidity is involved. I would have to test it further to really know for sure.

Overall, I like it and think it should become a pro product. It is such a healthy alternative to tanning and in my experience, looks quite realistic.

Hope that helps!


Well-known member
it is really an amazing product, but I make sure to wash my hands after applying the Bronzer.


Well-known member
I got Medium and Dark! Medium is very light and Dark is lightly orangey.

It doesn't cover scars, redness or anything else. It's like a dry oil/foam, so my skin is glowy but not sparkley and my skin is soft.


Well-known member
Nevermind... OH.. MY.. GOD!

When I tried them this morning, it wasn't what I was expecting.

Now, when they say 'shake well' you really need to shake for about 10 secondes.

It's seriously amazing, not what it was this morning.

It's darker and now it's foam.

I wanna buy back-ups before it's sold out, but I would love to know how many uses I can get from one bottle. Anyone have an idea? I'm not gonna pay 30$ for a bottle that I'll only use 10 times.


Well-known member
I'm in love with this too...
Its sOoOoOo amazing....
I used to use benefits flamingo fancy,but this is much better.

with my palms i just wipe them with tissue.

How many uses do you think it has?
Ive only used mine twice.

Most mousse products last forever, so surely if your only using it on the parts on show, like arms or should last a fair while?

and im only using mine for when im out clubbing, once or twice a week.x

by the way mac whore, I wear mine to clubs, where obv its hot, and its not melted off onto my clothes (ive wore pink once and blue once)
and its stayed on amazing, when ive woke up the next day its still been on!!! and the other week someone spilt a drink down my arm...and it was still on. so its staying power is amazing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex the way mac whore, I wear mine to clubs, where obv its hot, and its not melted off onto my clothes (ive wore pink once and blue once) and its stayed on amazing, when ive woke up the next day its still been on!!! and the other week someone spilt a drink down my arm...and it was still on. so its staying power is amazing!

Thanks, Hon! Good to know!


Well-known member
haha I was confused and I thought it was a bronzer. . .or self-tan type thing so I put it on last night and went to bed. Didn't rub off at all and I've been wearing it for almost 20 hours and it still looks amazing. It looks so real it's freaky! I used it on my legs and my legs are glow-in-the-dark WHITE. Not even kidding.
I used Deep Dark and it turns out faaabulous! I echo what MAC_Whore said and to do a little section at a time. I was too ambitious trying to do both legs at once and I ended up with a few patches, but I smoothed it out with some more tanner. hehe
But overall, HOW CAN THESE BE LE!? Are you kidding me?! *laughs* I'm gonna go pick up some more tomorrow. ^_^ Oh yeah, and I removed what was left on my hands with cleansing oil.


Well-known member
Oh, so are these not "self tanners"... LOL I thought they were... So onto a million questions...

Are they nasty looking when they fade off (ya know how tanners are patchy, and make you look like you've got some skin disease...)
How long do they last for on the skin?
And what shade would you reccomend for a NW20 with pasty legs haha...?

And finally, are they worth the price?


Well-known member
Another great LE product from MAC imo! I love this stuff Im NW20-NW25(in summer) and I bought the dark and I love this! Also I know its not a self tanner so it doesnt streak etc. but this is water resistant my MA told me and I tested this on one arm in the store I went home and showered and used body wash and my one arm is still about 1/2-1 shade darker than my other arm so it has really good staying power I love this stuff alot!

My question is I wonder could I use this on my face a lil under fndt. because I never tan my face and this would def. bring a shade or 2 to my face. If anyone has tried this Please post.

If not I will be the guinea pig and let everyone know

But either way I love this stuff I might buy a backup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cookie_monsta2504
Oh, so are these not "self tanners"... LOL I thought they were... So onto a million questions...

Are they nasty looking when they fade off (ya know how tanners are patchy, and make you look like you've got some skin disease...)
How long do they last for on the skin?
And what shade would you reccomend for a NW20 with pasty legs haha...?

And finally, are they worth the price?

In my scientific studies of 2 days lol

When they fade they just fade away not patchy like spray tans or self tanners, they just fade.

Like I said in my above post I tried this Yesterday showered and used body wash and I still have one darker arm than the other, but they do not streak at all when you apply them. Super easy to blend and I can never apply self tanner w/o streaks so these are REALLY easy to blend w/o streaks.

Im nw20 usually but right now I could bump to a nw25 for summer and I used the dark and its not at all to dark for me I mean it makes me TAN but not to dark. Its just an obviously golden dark tan glow.

Also I do believe they are worth everypenny unless you are looking for an actual self tanner that will last like 7-10 days b/c these are not perm/semi perm. but they do last well for a Body Bronzer and they are water resistant (you wont melt away if you spill water or drink on yourself)


Well-known member
Has anyone tried these while wearing white clothing? I've got a wedding coming up and have a strapless creamy ivory colored dress and I'm super pale, so a shot of color might be nice. That way you could tell where the dress ended and I began.

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