Swearing on the forum


Well-known member
Call me a prude but I don't think it's big, clever or even necessary for people to swear in their posts on this forum. On many other web forums I belong to swearing is prohibited in the rules and some forums also have a censorship feature which blanks out swear words posted by members. There is more swearing on this forum than on any other web forum I have visited and as the forum has quite a large number of minors who are members too I don't think it is appropriate.

What is it these days that people aren't articulate enough to be able to express their feelings without scattering swear words throughout their posts and signatures?

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
I have to agree, I don't think there is a need for using innapropriate language. It is a beauty forum, after all. Swearing? Not beautiful.


Well-known member
I'll give you an example. I fly a lot and I belong to a forum for frequent flyers. It has 4,810,892 posts and 82,088 members. Specktra is tiny in comparison with 99,299 posts and 3,919 members. A search for the "F" word on the frequent flyer forum yields no results. Zero. A search on Specktra yields 33 posts with the "F" word and that doesn't include posts of members who have the "F" word in their signature. If swearing in posts was as common on the frequent flyer forum as it is here there would be 1,599 instances of the "F" word on that forum instead of zero.

Come on folks, we can be better than that, surely. As Christina_ has said, it's not beautiful.


Well-known member
My sincerest apologies; I confess to being an offender - ironically because I don't do it offline. I notice I do it in complaint; I would NEVER and I mean never swear at someone, or direct it towards someone.

In its defence, one of the reasons I think no one has specifically 'banned' it from this forum was that there was another forum (MUA) where many Specktra members originally frequented that had ridiculous rules. It led to some very decent members sometimes losing their accounts and all that.

Ack, and then there's quotation...if I type 'shite and onions' in a post, is that swearing? Not to me, as it's in direct quotation of a fave author James Joyce.

Please don't think I'm providing opposition here, just trying to provide some of the 'other side'. I personally don't think it's essential to my communication here and could happily abstain from it.


New member
I both agree and disagree with you. I understand if someone is insulting somebody that you can find it offensive but for the most part people say it if they are just venting and not necessarily directing it to anyone. Also, this is mainly a beauty forum but it is not ONLY a beauty forum, but also a place to vent and speak of other things, hence the chatter section. I don't think you should take it personally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
I both agree and disagree with you.

I'm not taking it personally but I think we can be better than to lower ourselves to swearing. It isn't necessary and I defy anyone to prove that it is. As I showed, another considerably larger and more diverse forum doesn't feel the need to allow swearing and I don't feel we should either.

You are very well educated from what I have read and you really shouldn't need to swear to articulate your thoughts in an effective and eloquent manner.

I can assure you that members of a frequent flyer forum have a lot to complain and rant about - from missed or cancelled flights to major disasters, airlines losing their luggage or having things stolen from it and even TSA staff being over-zealous at security checks. In fact, in one case a female member of the forum has filed a complaint for sexual harassment against the TSA who she alleges touched her inappropriately in her genitals during screening. All the associated rants are effectively written without resorting to swearing.

Compared to that, the problems here seem relatively minor. Bad service from MAs and SAs, problems with eBay sellers, etc. As I mentioned in my first post there are also a lot of minors who are members here so perhaps you should consider that postings ought to be "G" rated rather than heading towards an "R" rating. Can we at least try to be more creative and less expletive in our posts or is that too much to ask?


New member
I don't see the connection between education and mouthing off whenever I get upset. My boss has a dual PhD and is one of the most intelligent men I know and every other word out of his mouth would have to be bleeped out... I consider myself to be well educated but that kind of flies out the window sometimes when I am upset. I can speak well and get my point across in another way, I do agree but someone I don't want to think. I dont curse a lot, I can say that I am guilty of doing it however. I will attempt to cut it down but I can't guarantee anything. Again, I am sorry if I offend you but sometimes, people just need to vent and the last thing they have on their mind is "ooops, i said a curse!"

And, if you look around, I can almost guarantee (I may be wrong even thought I dont think so) that most of the people doing the swearing, are the under aged kids. I know I never cursed more than when I was in high school.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
people just need to vent and the last thing they have on their mind is "ooops, i said a curse!"

People do of course need to vent but in real life if you swear that moment is soon history. Here it stays for all to read so perhaps it's a less appropriate forum for certain types of venting. If the "F" word is used on a single occasion in a non-sexual context in a movie, that movie automatically attracts a PG-13 rating. That's for one single use. There are no age restrictions on this forum whatsoever and although some junior high school students swear like troopers, not all do and it certainly shouldn't be encouraged.

As for what education has to do with things, education provides you with a set of language tools including a vocabulary. The better educated you are the more ways you will have available to express a particular concept or feeling - simply because you have more tools to play with. It's up to you whether you choose to use those tools appropriately or not.


Well-known member
I wouldn't like those types of restrictions on what you write. Let me amend that - I think that if profanity is directed at someone then that's unacceptable and unnecessary but in the case of swearing in a post like the following I think that it's fine and within my right to do so.

Originally Posted by aziajs
You know it's funny that you mention that they blend better. When I first got my Sharkskin it didn't blend worth a damn so I left them alone. But I recently purchased more of them and I really love them now. They blend so much better now. But back to your question...I love Lucky Jade. It's so pretty. I also love Sharkskin, Shimmersand, Sea Me, and Blurburry.

I have heard the argument that if you are truly educated and thus possess an extensive vocabulary then one won't feel the need to utter profanities. I'm over it. Some people curse, others don't. That's life. And that's what you will find as you look at a cross-section of our society. Both my parents and I have rather extensive vocabularies but do believe that we can swear with the best of them. It's the way that some people choose to express themselves and that's fine. I can speak personally and say that there are times when I want to put something simply, not eloquently.


Well-known member
Let me preface this by saying that I hold Master's degree from a stellar NY institution and come from a healthy, well rounded upbringing that involved two loving parents who are still together to this day. I am not saying this to brag, I am telling you this because, guess what... I curse. I curse despite having an excellent vocabulary and very good communication skills. I don't always curse and I rarely curse here. As a matter of fact, for the most part, I choose to use *** instead of the actual curse but the curse is obviously intended. Yeah.. I know.

Hearing someone curse does not bother me. Reading a curse word does not affect me in the least. Judgemental people do bother me however. The basis that someone who curses is not articulate enough to express themselves is rather baseless as you would have to argue a point that someone like Kurt Vonnegat (who is notoriously profane) is not good with language. As you and I both know, Kurt Vonnegat knows his way around the spoken and written word. I am just using him as an extreme example and would like to get back to the case of Specktra.

Of course there are forums where profanity is not allowed. Just go to Delphi Forums and look around. Those forums are so heavily moderated that they are stifling. If you are expecting the type of forum that censors everything and where everyone holds hands around the fire, singing kumbaya with plastic vapid smiles, Specktra might be a bit of a shock or a let down to you. However, if you are expecting a place where a diverse group of people with different ideas and different ways of expressing their ideas can come together and co-mingle, then Specktra is just what you want it to be. Colorful people have a tendency to pepper their language with colorful words. That is a fact of life. I would rather hang out with a bunch of passionate and colorful people that curse every once in a while than anyone who plays language cop everytime something is said that does not fit their moral standard.

Cursing never bothers me. Intellectual and Moral elitism bother me.

I am not sorry for throwing around the F bomb every once in a while. I am sorry that you would make a statement that Specktra has the worst language in any forum that you have visited. You must not have visited many makeup forums (most notably the ones you find on Live Journal and MySpace) because if you actually do some research on this subject, you will learn that Specktra is one of the 'cleanest', safest and most welcoming of all the makeup forums/communities. Even though Specktra has very active moderators, I have learned that our main job is to encourage people, inform people and help keep the sight maintained. There is very little need to actually mod people here because the ladies that visit this forum (for the most part) are mature and decent women and girls who self moderate. Of course there is going to be a renegade that pisses (oops!) people off and posts things that in my opinion, do not fit the theme of Specktra. I even ranted about it once, but I would never want to see them censored unless they broke the most common rules of forum cohabitation (trolling, stalking, personal attacks).

One would have to look through rose colored glasses to think that any minor that visits the internet is going to run into swear words on Specktra alone. I am not a parent, I do not come to Specktra expecting to parent anyone either. I do not feel guilty in the least that a minor might see me post a swear word on Specktra. If the parent of a minor wants to shelter their child from what is deemed as profane language they should not allow their child on the internet.

One of the best things about Specktra is that this is a forum for people to express their opinions in whatever way they seem fit. Different viewpoints are encouraged and a debate about those ideas will likely begin but that is healthy. Thank god we don't agree on everything here.. it would be so f*cking boring.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jude
One would have to look through rose colored glasses to think that any minor that visits the internet is going to run into swear words on Specktra alone. I am not a parent, I do not come to Specktra expecting to parent anyone either. I do not feel guilty in the least that a minor might see me post a swear word on Specktra. If the parent of a minor wants to shelter their child from what is deemed as profane language they should not allow their child on the internet.

Jude brings up a very good point that I wanted to touch on but forgot to. While I am accountable for what I say on this forum, I am not going to feel guilty for using profanity which in turn offends someone. As far as I'm concerned don't read it. If there are children on here who are too young to read adult language then they shouldn't be on here to begin with. It's a parent's job to monitor and censor what their children see, hear, and read, not mine.


Well-known member
I have to agree with everything jude said. so I make this a short statement:
I'm a marketing manager in the second biggest internet company in germany and one of my task is the company newsletter that goes to 21 million people weekly, so I would say have pretty good communication skills. (at least in my own language
but on the other hand I swear - a lot. It's part of my personality and the way I express myself. when I say I swear, I don't mean I'm being rude to other people, it's just the way I talk. yeah maybe I should wash my mouth sometime, but hey that's me.

I've been a Specktra member for quit a short time, but what I like here, is that this forum is always nice, friendly, helpful but real. it's not one of the "hello-kitty-all-pink-world" forums where everybody just seems like soulless MU dolls, I deal here with real people and that is exactly what I like. and if swearing is a part of how they talk - fine with me.


Well-known member
I'm still puzzled why the folks of Specktra feel they are so special that they feel they can use profanity with impunity where other forums which are considerably larger (the frequent flyer forum has nearly fifty times as many members) don't. If they can express themselves without resorting to profanity, why can't folks here. The language here really is the worst of any internet forum I've ever used - and I've been using the internet since 1989 (when I had an ARPAnet email address).


Well-known member
specktra is the forum with the worst language you've been to?? I don't mean to offend you but you must have got another internet than I have


Well-known member
why the folks at specktra feel so special that they can use profanity? :confused: what on earth does it have to do with feeling special? it is their choice to use profanity if they want. last time i checked, freedom of speech is a right here. if someone is not happy reading it, then don't read it. the holier than thou attitude pitting one forum's usage of language as opposed to another is quite silly imo. different people choose to express themselves in different ways, so it's quite absurd to try and force your ideals on them. just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else is going to straighten up and fly right just to suit you. oh, and specktra folks ARE special!


Well-known member
I don’t think that a feeling of entitlement has anything to do with it. This forum allows us the luxury of personal choice which a lot of Forums do not. If censorship and pressing rules are your bag then hey, God bless you. I however am happy for the fact that I am able to express myself here without having a mod or an admin hold judgment over my choice of words.

I am a little puzzled myself. I am puzzled as to why you insist on comparing Specktra to the other forums that you are a part of? Specktra is a unique forum in itself and most everyone here seems pleased with its unique qualities. I don’t see anyone else, Mods, Admins or members posting about how Specktra compares to this forum or how Specktra rates in this quality. It is pretty simple really, if you like us and want to hang, come back again and again. If we offend you, well, then I don’t know what to tell you. I just don’t understand why our choice to practice freedom of choice bothers you. I would never presume to tell anyone how they should conduct themselves if they are not encroaching upon me and appreciate reciprocity in that regard.

At the end of the day, cursing is a fact of life, whether you approve or not. All you get when you point out people’s flaws and insist on telling people how they should behave is alienation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss_Behave
specktra is the forum with the worst language you've been to?? I don't mean to offend you but you must have got another internet than I have

Having been internet connected since 1989 (some Specktra members weren't even born then!) and having also been the product manager and subsequently senior technical consultant for the UK's third largest ISP I very much doubt it.


Well-known member
You've got to be kidding me.

All I can say is that I'm glad that you are not a moderator because the minute Specktra begins to practice any kind of censorship or express any kind of haughty attitude, I'm out of here. I'm sure others will do the same.


Well-known member
I really love (sarcasm) how this thread has become a pissing (not sorry) contest. I don't really care how educated you are, or how great your job is, or what your upbringing is. In fact the concept that any of those things validate a persons opinion or make them superior to others is extremely classist and offensive.

I may be a well educated, fortunate person who is well off and has a good job. I may be a poor girl wearing a paper bag who didn't finish high school and works at McDonalds. If you think that means my opinion is worth less than yours, its your flaw, your issue, your ignorance, not mine.

As for being able to swear here, it has nothing to do with feeling special. The internet is unregulated and allows for free expression. Its not the exception to allow swearing. Its not a concious decision to go against the way things are done. Those communities you speak of that regulate it are the exceptions. Contrary to what some people believe its not the natural state of a community to be strict, or censor its members, that is decision that is made and implemented. I find the implication that one would have to feel like they have special privileges in order to express themselves freely absolutely ridiculous.

Its not your business to set rules for this forum and its not your business to push your morals on anyone, let alone in a community that is not paid for, not run by, not got anything to do with you at all except that you are allowed to be a part of it.

Just like swearing offends you, people who push their morals & get uppity about things like swearing offend me. You may think the world is a worse place because of cursing, especially in front of minors, I however think the world is a worse place for prudes and those that try to shelter young kids from WORDS. Words are only shocking because they are taboo.

Beyond that, if this really is the forum with the most swearing you've ever encountered, you lead a very sheltered online life. If you'd like to continue with that sheltered existence because a few words offend you, its your choice. Don't expect everyone to change to suit your moral ideas though. Free expression is something I value highly and one of the reasons that I love this forum so much. I do not believe for a moment that it would be a change for the better if censorship was allowed to be pushed on us.

Communities suffer much more from people that try to force people to do things their way than people who are free and liberal with their language and attitudes.

I will curse if and when I want to. No one decides for me what is moral or immoral. No one can make me feel stupid or ignorant for the way I choose to express myself, and shame on anyone who tries.