• As of January 16, 2018, all posts in this section are moderated. Please engage with the community within the rest of the forums, remembering that you may not post your own tutorial links outside this section. Also remember to put your content in the proper space.

    Tutorials posted outside this space will be removed. If you post a tutorial in this space and you don't make an effort to participate in the community outside this section, your post will be deleted.

Sweet Ripe Apple

YouTube - ⥠TUTORIAL : Sweet Ripe Apple â¥

- EYES :
* Painterly (MAC Paint Pot)
* Light Green & Brown (in WOLFE Essentials Palette)
* Gold (in WOLFE Neon/Metallix Palette)
* Prep&Prime Lash (MAC)
* 2000 Calorie in Black (MAX FACTOR)

- LIPS :
* Transparent (CATRICE Magic Lip Liner)
* Dangerously Hot (MAC Lipstick)

- FACE :
* Fair (NYX Concealer)
* Medium Dark (MAC MSF)
* X-Rocks (MAC Sheertone Shimmer Blush)
* Pèche Tendre #20 (CHANNEL Soft Pressed Powder)

Enjoy watching
