talika eyebrowgroth lipocils VS ardell brow & lash


Active member
i personally have not used talika before, so i cannot speak for that half, but i DO have the ardell one.

i've used it for a lil more than a week, and i do see results. not HUGE dramatic ones, but enough where i see something happening. plus, it actually, in my opinion, makes a great mascara base. my mascara seems to go on smoother when i have the ardell on.

since i have a biased point of view on this, i'd recommend the ardell because it's merely $4, which is definitely not a lot of money to try for.

for my brows, i do see a difference in that my hair isn't necessarily a lot thicker, or at least not yet (i hope), but i do see some hair has grown back quicker from where i accidently plucked the wrong hair. but i do see the super thin ones gotten thicker where you can actually see them now.

for the lashes, i do see more lashes, but overall for thickness, length, etc, i don't see any dramatic results. i am REALLY hoping to see them though! i only see enough results in the lashes to say the ardell actually works. but then again, i've only used it so far for a little more than a week, so i shouldn't expect such huge results in a small amount of time.

i hope that helped!


Well-known member
i just started using the Ardell one... ive been using it for a week now but only on my left eye only so i can compare. i shouldve taken photos... doh!
i see a little difference so far... but not a drastic growth or anything. But i'll continue using it.

i havent heard of the other brand. i have heard of DHC eyelash tonic which is quite popular as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snugglebunny
i personally have not used talika before, so i cannot speak for that half, but i DO have the ardell one.

i've used it for a lil more than a week, and i do see results. not HUGE dramatic ones, but enough where i see something happening. plus, it actually, in my opinion, makes a great mascara base. my mascara seems to go on smoother when i have the ardell on.

since i have a biased point of view on this, i'd recommend the ardell because it's merely $4, which is definitely not a lot of money to try for.

for my brows, i do see a difference in that my hair isn't necessarily a lot thicker, or at least not yet (i hope), but i do see some hair has grown back quicker from where i accidently plucked the wrong hair. but i do see the super thin ones gotten thicker where you can actually see them now.

for the lashes, i do see more lashes, but overall for thickness, length, etc, i don't see any dramatic results. i am REALLY hoping to see them though! i only see enough results in the lashes to say the ardell actually works. but then again, i've only used it so far for a little more than a week, so i shouldn't expect such huge results in a small amount of time.

i hope that helped!

Thanks so much for your advice. It is more the brows im interested in because im trying to grow mine out so they are a little thicker and change the shape of them but they don't seem to be growing and iv left them months. I think i might give the ardell one a try as it is a lot cheaper and ive heard only good stuff about it, if it works on my eyelashes aswell then thats a bonus! thankssss x x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chipmunkvoice
i just started using the Ardell one... ive been using it for a week now but only on my left eye only so i can compare. i shouldve taken photos... doh!
i see a little difference so far... but not a drastic growth or anything. But i'll continue using it.

i havent heard of the other brand. i have heard of DHC eyelash tonic which is quite popular as well.

thankyouu, i would love to see the pics if you ever post them let me know! I'm going to try the ardell out and pray that it works, the talika brand i heard about in a thread on here the website is www.talika.com, thanks for your help x x


Well-known member
Here's what I just posted in another thread:

Talika Lipocils worked for me, my brows started growing like crazy...I had to pluck them twice a week instead of just once.Didn't work that well on my lashes though.

All in all, it's a good product, it conditioned my lashes and I think it actually made them grow a little.I only applied it once a day though, so maybe you can get better results if you do it twice a day as it's recommended on the package.HTH!


Well-known member
ok thanks a lot for all your help girls, i have ordered some of the Ardell stuff and will give you all my verdict after iv used it for a while x x x


Well-known member
I've used both. Talika did sod all and I used it everyday until the tube was used up. Hideously overpriced too.

The Ardell one is so cheap (I think I paid £6 inc. shipping to UK) that even if it doesn't work then it's no big loss. I found it did work to make my eyebrow hairs grow, but you have to give it a few months of using it every day to see a difference.

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