Talk Like A Pirate Day, this Monday (Sept. 19th). Yarrr!


Well-known member
aye, matey! me thinks this wench may join in! ok, where's our pirate smiley?!


Well-known member
AAAAAARRRRRRR ye bet I do me proud beauty!!!
It's so damn corny, but I love it. I irritate people at work with this. Lost track of the date last year though... so glad you posted this. Just in time to celebrate this year.
I tip me jug o ale to ya!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
and this is different from every other day?

That depends on who you are I suppose!


Well-known member
I didn't celebrate it but a mate of mine was going to a fancy dress party in its honour. I told him he HAD to go with eye makeup on because they did actually wear it intimidate people! Ha!

Perhaps I should've played Sid Meier's Pirates, it's available on PC and XBox. I loved it so much I made my brother buy it for me. I'm lame-o.


Well-known member
one of my friends told me this today, but i thought he was making fun of me. or just randomly saying it because it's also international peace day. that is way cool!! pirates are awesome. but i just figured out i'm a couple days off, wednesday = = international peace day!! celebrate it. yarrrgh matey's. see you people later ye' dirty scoundrels.


New member
The guys who created this live in my area (Eugene, Oregon)--- it's well known here-- but it's hilarious to see how it caught on!!