Tanning Beds


New member
I am going to PM you with a little something.

But....Yes I tan indoors.


Well-known member
Girls, please don't do it. I spent a lot of my teenage years either outdoors or in the tanning bed. I'm 28 and have had 3 skin cancers removed so far. 2 were squamous cell carcinomas, and 1 was melanoma. Fortunately, all were caught very early,and hadn't spread to any other body part, and I have no residual medical issues because of it. I was told by my doctor to expect to have more throughout my life. I thought it was a non-issue for me because I was of mixed (native American) heritage, tanned easily and never burned. It is something I always have to be aware of now. I check my skin constantly for changes and unusual spots.
I'm not trying to preach at anyone. I just want you to know that it is very damaging to even young skin.


Yes, I tan in tanning beds occasionally, never for too many minutes though. I work at a salon, so it's free for me.


Well-known member
i can't lie, i love the fact that i get a real-looking tan in like a week that actually is REAL, technically. BUT, it's seriously horrible for your skin, and i'd rather be pale than wrinkly down the road, and as vain as thAt seems, being wrinkly is one of the more "not as bad" reasons for why you shouldn't do it...hello, melanoma!


Well-known member
I loathe tanning beds. I don't care if you only use them once in a while or that you only use them for a few minutes at a time - you are damaging your skin. There is absolutely no such thing as a "safe" tan, except for those sunless tanning lotions.

Even if you don't get skin cancer, you will develop wrinkles, freckles and other skin discolorations over time. Learn to accept your skin tone and try to work with it.


New member
To those that DO NOT TAN:

I understand where you are coming from and reasons that you have behind not tanning. However, Dreamergirl3 and the rest of us that like to tan have the right to do as we please and to discuss it without any interference. We understand your concerns.

Feel free to start your own thread about reasons not to tan.

So, if we could keep this thread/discussion to the original question that would be great.

Thank you!


Well-known member
That's a fair enough ask, Zap2it. I don't think anyone against tanning means to hijack the tanning threads, but let's all do our best to not do so?

I have a question: a physiotherapist friend of mine told me that he has known a few people who got very sunburnt and skin started to peel, so they went once-off to a solarium/tanning bed and it apparently made their tans last longer in addition to lessening the peeling of the skin?

Does anyone know how this works? He said this was for people who don't usually get sunburnt and have more pigmented skin than fair-skinned people. Sounds interesting, but bizarre too!


Well-known member
girlie i used to work at a tanning salon,awesome,bestest job cept for me working 58 or so hrs a week w/o overtime :-( that is why i quit.but i love tanning wether it be outdoors or indoors,and i loooove the designer skin line,preferably godess ugh smells so goood,omg i wanna go back now lol,but i need to stop buyin so much damn mac! lol,i dont think its bad to tan,i like myself better tanned.which would you rather see,my big butt pale or TAN lol.


Well-known member
oh they do have what the call a "bronzing bed" i dunno if thats what ur talking bout pixie,but it tans the top 2 or 3 layers of your skin,w/o burning you,so when you get a "deeper" tan you wont lose it as fast when you exfoliate and whatnot,ALWAYS exfoliate,if not youll end up patchy and funky lookin,specially if you use a bronzer in the bed


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
I loathe tanning beds. Learn to accept your skin tone and try to work with it.

hmm if we learn to love our skin color,then why dont we learn to love what god gave us and not wear make up some can do harm like some piggies lol,just a thought,ppl tan for same reasons ppl wear make up,or have a certain hair color real or not,thats damaging also,but most ppl do it.get what im sayin? :)


New member
Originally Posted by prppygrl69
oh they do have what the call a "bronzing bed" i dunno if thats what ur talking bout pixie,but it tans the top 2 or 3 layers of your skin,w/o burning you,so when you get a "deeper" tan you wont lose it as fast when you exfoliate and whatnot,ALWAYS exfoliate,if not youll end up patchy and funky lookin,specially if you use a bronzer in the bed

The "bronzing" bed that you speak of is almost 100% UVA which those tan deeper than the UVB rays. Most beds are a mix of UVA and UVB. solarium is just a different type of tanning. It is very much like using 100% UVA bed. It is a combo of UVA & UVB but consist mostly of UVA.Here is some info that found that can explain things better than me about solarium tanning.
While we still need UVB to help produce a tan you can use mainly UVA.
The problem between the 2 is simple. UVB is known as the burning ray. UVA is known as the deep down tanning ray. So while the UVB ray does not cause as much long term damage it does cause the most serious damage. UVA tans deeper so it causes long term damage.

I worked in tanning salons since I was very young and I have went to many product and skin training seminars. I hold several certificates in tanning and skin care. I helped one tanning salon become one of the top 50 in the US. So I know more than a little bit about tanning.

Anything can be bad for you but moderation is the key!

Originally Posted by mspixieears
That's a fair enough ask, Zap2it. I don't think anyone against tanning means to hijack the tanning threads, but let's all do our best to not do so?

Just trying to keep things on track. No one wants to be preached at. KWIM. As I had already mentioned to you.

I would also like to point out that all of us need some type of UV expose. It is healthy for us.


Well-known member
I tan easily and don't burn but because I live in England much of the time and sunshine has been declared illegal since 1367 when the king noticed the peasants didn't work in the fields if it was sunny I normally look very pale.

I did use a tanning booth (stand-up rather than a bed) before my first trip to the USA as I was concerned that the brilliant dazzle from my white legs might cause a hazard to general aviation.

Now that I get to the USA several times a year I find this isn't necessary.


Well-known member
Zap2it, that's truly amazing, and would explain why naturally darker people do tan with a bit more ease than some. I've spent the past 2-3 years indoors 'convalescing' and as a result, instead of tanning easily, I now am more likely to burn!

It's slightly off topic, but this also explains how a few years ago, I came home to Melbourne from an English summer WITH a tan, much to the shock of my Aussie pals. The ozone layer is less depleted there, and when you're in the sun, you can feel the difference. Whereas in Australia, 10mins and the sun hurts everyone's skin.

Apparently, our bodies (covered with our largest organ, the skin) needs at least 4 mins' full exposure to sunlight (or what sunlight contains etc.) for vit K or D? I forget which one.


Well-known member
Vitamin D is what the skin can synthesize on exposure to the sun. You can also get it easily from dietary sources though. You don't see rickets which is caused by a vitamin D deficiency very often these days in the developed world.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Anything can be bad for you but moderation is the key!

i agree 100%


Well-known member
I'm a very inexperienced tanner. Usually its frustrating because with self tanners (ALL self tanners, from dept. store,to drugstores, to airbrush spray tans at SPAS, to Spray Tans) don't react well with my skin...they always make me stink whenever I get wet. Theres more but I wont bore you with the details, lol.

So I decided to try indoor tanning since I've always been curious about it. This place by my house had a 5 for 25$ package, so I figured why not! It was ok. The beds are very uncomfortable, especially on my heels. also, my backside was darker then the front...i'm assuming because its in closer contact than the front, but argh! Still frustrating, not gettin a completely even tan! And sitting there for 20 minutes was a really long time...I guess I'm just impatient!

Next time if I tan again, I'm going to look around at other salons...granted, theres only one close to where I live and all the others are across town, I'd feel better knowing what my options are.

Too bad I know NOTHING about tanning! heehee

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