Tattoo help needed!


Well-known member
Okay so I'm thinking of getting a tattoo but I'm wondering about how long it takes to heal and what can go wrong.
Also I really want it on my inner wrist but I've had people say it's one of the most painfull places to have it done is this true?
I know there are a lot of people here on Specktra who have them and as this is going to be my first tattoo I need any advice you girls and boys can spare.
Some tattoo info links...

Oooh...your first tattoo, how exciting! I've only one so far but I have several more planned. It's addicting! Nearly as much as MAC. *giggle* Here are some links to some good tattoo information, one is a tattoo care link from one of the best celtic knotwork tattoo artists around (in the US anyway)(IMOHO), and the second is more medical information for tattoo artists and piercers, but is good info for the client as well. Oh, and you can't forget BMEzine...great body mod resource.

Pat Fish's Tattoo Care and Feeding instructions

Safe Inking info

Body Modification Ezine

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
the healing process is different for everyone depending on your skin and what not. probably like a week to two weeks? that's usually how long it takes for me. and about the pain.. who cares! if you want it... do it!!


Well-known member
i have a tattoo on my inner wrist and it was super easy to heal. generally a small tattoo won't scab much, compared to a large colored in space. it wasnt really that painful.. there's not a ton of nerves there. it was scratchy but not bad. mine took ~3 weeks to heal, i guess.. you want to keep it moist but not too much - a&d ointment for the first few days, unscented lotion once a day afterwards. don't scratch or pull off any scabs or skin. no worries


Well-known member
First, I will say that I am a total pain wuss. Just the thought of being in pain makes me upset! That said, I have three tattoos, some of which required more than one session to complete, and I really think that despite the hour or so you're sitting there with someone sticking a needle into you repeatedly, if the tattoo is something you really really want, it's definitely worth it.

I'm usually a slow healer in general, but the worst of my tattoo healing takes about three days. By worst I mean the sore, skin flaking, my-god-is-the-tattoo-coming-off-with-these-chunks-of-skin healing stage! After that, it's still fairly raw and really itchy for a couple of weeks, but really nothing intolerable (oh, and do not directly scratch the tattoo in the itchy phase - recruit a good friend to sort of slap the tattoo for you. It sounds bizarre, but really helps and minimizes the itch!).

As far as what can go wrong? As long as you go to a reputable place (clean, good artists, etc.) and are good about aftercare, not really much. The worst thing to do is neglect the aftercare and not moisturize properly, as you could end up losing some of the ink on the tattoo! It will probably hurt (for some people it's uncomfortable, for some it hurts in that good way, and for some it's nearly intolerable, but I think it's all in how you look at it!), but I always try to look around at the artwork on the walls or think about something else, and I don't notice it as much. I love all of my tattoos, and looking at them now I don't really mind the discomfort I went through to get them. One hour of pain = lifetime of awesome body art!


Well-known member
i have two tattoos - a set of five stars and a lily. the same artist did both, and i gave him a hug after he finished the lily! for both, the entire healing process took about two weeks. the first three days after getting my latest tattoo i used A&D ointment (you can find it in the baby care section of most stores) to keep the tattoo moist, and then after that i used unscented hand lotion a few times a day, usually whenever my skin was starting to dry out. i used just the unscented lotion for my first tattoo. also, until the tattoo was finished healing, i used unscented soap to wash it. after a good washing, i would press (not gently rub or pat) the A&D ointment into the ink to make sure that the tattoo didn't dry out. i swear, there was more color payoff, but that may just be me seeing things. whenever my tattoos would start to get itchy, i would find something to do to keep my mind off the itch, such as snapping a rubber band on my wrist or, my personal favorite, sitting in front of a fan.

as for the wrist location, i wouldn't know. both my tattoos are on my lower back. i've heard that it hurts from some people, and that it doesn't hurt from others, so i guess it all depends on your pain tolerance. anyone can tell you that i'm a wuss when it comes to pain, but getting those tattoos didn't bother me at all. i was ready for my second one right after the first one was finished! i actually found the pain to be more like a really obnoxious vibration than anything else.


Well-known member
I have 4 tattoos. I find they are almost fool proof with after care. Compared to piercings they are a sinch! I've never ever had a problem healing one.
The one on my wrist wasn't any more or less than the others, actually I'd say getting the top of my foot done hurt the most and bled the most.


Well-known member
I have 5 tattoos...very addicting and I love them all!!
My artist told me that it would feel like a bad cat scratch, and he was right. Honestly if it hurt that bad, then I wouldn't of gotten more. As for the healing process, it's at least 2 weeks. And care instructions, it varies with the tattoo artist. My tattoo artist and other people's tattoo artist's instructions have been different. But either way just follow the instructions and take very good care of your tattoo, even after it's healed put sunblock on it when you're out in the sun (I put loads of SPF 50 on mine, I would hate to see them fade because the UV rays and my lack of care
) . Just go to your city's most reputable studio and look through their portfoios and check their work out. They all have different styles and techniques and some specialize in portraits and celtic, etc. Find an artist that you like, meet with him/her and go from there. Find one that will give you exactly what you're looking for and have him/her draw some stuff out for you. Keep in mind that this tattoo will be on you for the rest of your life... HTH!


Well-known member
the wrist is not the easiest spot, but it's not the worst either. despite what people say about "going over bone", that's total BS. tattoos hurt more where the nerve endings are concentrated/in protected areas: the ribcage, the lower back, under the arms, the top of the feet, etc. with a wrist tattoo, i would be more concerned about permanent visibility than pain (pain really shouldn't be a concern with any tattoo and, if it is, you aren't ready for the tattoo). tattoos should NOT scab; they should peel like a sunburn and if they do otherwise your aftercare regime wasn't a good one or you didn't follow it. tattoos take a few days to a couple of weeks to heal depending on what you are using to heal it and where the tattoos is. some areas like the lower legs are more difficult to heal as they are always bearing weight. keep in mind that you cannot expose it to UV (sunlight or UV lamps) and chlorine for 2 weeks and you'll need to use an SPF 50 on it for life if you want it to maintain its color.

good luck with it.


Well-known member
I have one tattoo I got back on Jan 24th.. it healed within about a month I would say. I used aquaphor on it until it started to peel then used curel lotion. a girl was getting one on her inner wrist when i went and she said it hurt, but mine was on the back of my neck and the pain was very minimal. I wouldn't say a tattoo hurts, but its more like an annoying feeling. my tattoo is my boyfriends name which is 6 letters and i remember 2 of the 6 letters hurt pretty bad, but compared to the overall experience it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. def make sure you eat first.. my artist sent me to eat more because i didnt eat all that much earlier. my tattoo is quite big also and only took about 45 mins. Make sure you talk to the artist first and feel comfortable with them. i went to a couple places before i made a decision. this guy custome drew the name for me and he was a cool decent guy who made me feel at ease.


Well-known member
I'm actually having trouble finding a place a like they don't look very clean or the staff don't seem to friendly(been to three so far).
Also would I be able to cover the tattoo up while it's healing for work because I'm a nail technician and my hand and wrists get covered in dust (I'm being told different things by different people).


Well-known member
I have a tattoo on my inner wrist. As far as pain, yes it hurt, but it was def. worth it, at least in my opinion. Although if it had taken any longer than about 20 minutes I think it would have gotten a little harder to handle.
Mine healed very easily. Whenever I was at work (at this time I was working as a cashier and didn't want to accidently rub it against anything) I covered my tattoo with plastic wrap, which kept it from drying out (I put a little bit of A&D salve on it before wrapping it up), and prevented it from being irritated. Worked out great for me.

Good luck with your tattoo!


Well-known member
the only way to cover your tattoo would be long sleeves which isn't even such a good idea. you shouldn't put a dressing over it or anything or it can't breathe, it'll get hot and sweaty, and it won't heal properly. it is important to keep your tattoo clean and free of dust though as it is an open wound. could you get the tattoo on your weekend so it at least has a few days to heal before you return to work? i worked at a tattoo shop for years and i'm heavily tattooed, so i'm not just saying that to make things difficult for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by msthrope
the only way to cover your tattoo would be long sleeves which isn't even such a good idea. you shouldn't put a dressing over it or anything or it can't breathe, it'll get hot and sweaty, and it won't heal properly. it is important to keep your tattoo clean and free of dust though as it is an open wound. could you get the tattoo on your weekend so it at least has a few days to heal before you return to work? i worked at a tattoo shop for years and i'm heavily tattooed, so i'm not just saying that to make things difficult for you.

I appreciate the help.
I'm going to take your advice and take a few days of work, I have 3 days holiday that I have to take anyway and I'll take my 2 normal days off at the same time so that gives me 5 days in total.
I can't wait.

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