technakohl (sp?) or powerpoint


Well-known member
idk if is in the right place but oh well.. so i have technakohl and it's good, not great. still smudges a little, but not as bad as my l'oreal one. for those who have both or just powerpoint, what do you think of it in terms of staying power? (lower and upper lash lines) thanks!


Well-known member
i started using MAC powerpoint liners last summer and they really stayed put throught the heat etc. even stayed on after quick swims. i lovee them


Well-known member
If you apply eyeliner to your waterline, technakohl, if not, powerpoint is waterproof although I find it harsh and it tugs my eyelids a little bit.


Well-known member
i <3 my earthline technakohl! i would say technakohl over powerpoint b/c you can Back2Mac it. Plus, there is no hassle of sharpening. I don't have any powerpoint liners, but i've heard that they are not safe for the waterline. My technakohl has decent staying power for me, better than all the other liners i've tried. Plus, I also asked the MA that was helping me this same question, and she said Technakohl.