Technology to decrease Counterfeit Cosmetics..


Well-known member
Cosmetics and Personal Care - Domino

Read the article behind the link. I think it is a wonderful idea and considering how much the cosmetics companies are losing to counterfeiters this would at least decrease the amount of potentially harmful chemicals used in fakes by making the containers nearly fool proof.


Well-known member
I'm all for it


Well-known member
there's a few points at play here.

1. how much will this cost for a company to implement? if it's pricey we're going to see a very slow uptake.
2. how long will it take before the counterfeiters overcome it? holograms etc have already been counterfeited. how long til they figure this one out too?
3. do the cosmetics companies care enough to want to do this?

it's definitely a great step in technology and would help verify the real products (at least for a while)