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YouTube - Official: Mass. Teens Make Pregnancy Pact
what do you guys think about this??!! it's f*ckin unreal to me! i mean, i'm not a mom but i'm not oblivious to the fact that parenting isn't necessarily an easy thing. especially being a single parent. and at that age! i know sh*t happens and teens do end up pregnant but to be a teen and actually PLAN it is what's beyond me!!! one of the comments they made about it was that they thought it was "glamorous" to be pregnant..... wow. that's all i can say. and the alleged "homeless man" being the father, it could very well be true but i don't think it is. i think it's somebody (more than likely the same age as the girls) they know who chose to be the sperm donor and remain off in the cut. the homeless man bit is just a cover up for him.
this is just wild to me......
what do you guys think about this??!! it's f*ckin unreal to me! i mean, i'm not a mom but i'm not oblivious to the fact that parenting isn't necessarily an easy thing. especially being a single parent. and at that age! i know sh*t happens and teens do end up pregnant but to be a teen and actually PLAN it is what's beyond me!!! one of the comments they made about it was that they thought it was "glamorous" to be pregnant..... wow. that's all i can say. and the alleged "homeless man" being the father, it could very well be true but i don't think it is. i think it's somebody (more than likely the same age as the girls) they know who chose to be the sperm donor and remain off in the cut. the homeless man bit is just a cover up for him.
this is just wild to me......