Tell me this isn't real....


Well-known member
My first thought is "I can't believe they tried to pass this off as fake!", but now I don't want to be quick to accuse... but this doesn't look anything real!


Active member
Oh lordy! I've only been using MAC a short time, but even I can tell that is not real. Personally, I don't think MAC would put all that extra text on the lid like that. I bet the MAC was addred afterwards

**heads off to ebay to find one withough the MAC logo**


Well-known member
WOW! that is just so bad that its hilarious! and the seller actually has 100% feedback.. I guess you can't always trust just feedback.


Active member
Originally Posted by mbee
WOW! that is just so bad that its hilarious! and the seller actually has 100% feedback.. I guess you can't always trust just feedback.

I usually don;t just go on feedback. That is the only make up item s/he is selling. I bet they bought it from some "wholesaler" thinking it was real and since they know nothing about MAC, are selling it as such. (this person seems to be a tshirt dealer)

Someone going to report it as counterfeit?


Well-known member
I already have but you need more than one person to report the item for them to take it down. I also emailed the seller lol I couldn't help it!


Well-known member
That is a genuine authentic and 100% original fake
They seem to have improved it over earlier attempts which said "MAND IN FRANCE". See


Well-known member
Glad it gave you guys a good laugh!

Originally Posted by labwom;676u602
I already have but you need more than one person to report the item for them to take it down. I also emailed the seller lol I couldn't help it!

How do you report it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
Glad it gave you guys a good laugh!

How do you report it?

Towards the very bottom of the page it has a link that says Report this item. Make sure to copy the item number first cause you're gonna need it!


Well-known member
my god that is bloody hilarious!!!
Just checked back on the seller's feedback transactions, and the positive feedbacks are mainly t-shirts.