Oh, Mother-in-Laws. What fun....
A few weeks after our honeymoon we went to visit the in-laws. My hubby was going through some mail over there and came across a credit card bill. Long story short, his mother opened a card up in my husband's name and transferred debt from one of his brother's credit cards onto this new card. She denied doing it althogether at first, then said that my husband told her she could do it. I'm a pretty calm person normally, but this was it for me and I freaked out... I told her how were we trying to be financially responsible, living within our means, staying out of debt, and then she does this behind our back. She just kept offering excuses.
Then, while I was pregnant she kept telling me not to get ultrasounds because it would hurt the baby. Over and over again, she kept nagging me about this. I was a parnoid pregnant woman anyway, so this didn't help in the least. And then in the
middle of labor she calls my hospital room. She asks to talk to my husband and then goes on to tell him that she had a "dream" that the ulbilical cord was wrapped around our baby's neck. In the middle of labor!!!! Not like I have enough to freak me out as it was...
All in all, in the 5 years we've been married, his mother has been the center of many "discussions". I'm fortunate, in that my hubby always sides with me, but it's still a matter of trying to love a family member even when they're more than difficult to love.
I could go on, but I can feel myself getting angry all over again... and well, I'm trying my best to learn patience and compassion these days