Tgif! 4/18


Well-known member
It's FRIDAY!!!!

I was hoping to get my tax return today so I could work on budgeting our finances, but so far no dice. /crossing fingers

What are your plans for this glorious Friday? Last night storms moved through, it was lightening & thundering and just pouring down rain. Today it's crisp, clear and BEAUTIFUL outside.

I think I'm going to take a lunch somewhere I can sit outside and eat.


Well-known member
Work, work, and more work for me scheduled today. :-( I prefer to be out driving with the top down. At least I will be having a sushi lunch with my girlfriends. :)

I am also anxiously awaiting my tax return. It will greatly help our move that everyday seems to be getting more and more expensive.


Well-known member
I got my tax return back quite a bit ago. But it all went to my school. I cannot wait to get the extra government funds though - don't they start going out next month? Woohoo!

TGIF as usual. I don't care what I do on Fridays. I'm just happy it's Friday!
Not to mention every Friday for me is PAYDAY! $$ So I guess that means I'm entitled to some shopping! lol But so far my plans just consist of working (right now I'm on break lol) and then going to the gym with my mom. Probably playing with my makeup...getting ideas for tommorow night's going out makeup.


Well-known member
I am trying to stay awake today! After work, I go to crisis hotline and take calls and then ill go and workout.


Well-known member
TGIF is right!!! I had my tax final last night, so all I have left for my degree is two distance classes, which I'll finish in the next couple months--so its not like "free" but I feel such a weight lifted!! Thanks for reminding me about taxes, I must finish my, not so much when she owes :S

Today is a bit of laundry, and then getting dressed up to go out for sushi and a cd release party---I'm so pumped, AND I bought some serious shoes the other day--> Payless has BOGO1/2 I got 4 pairs---came to only 120- lol it was so exciting--my first pair of HEELS (1.5inches or so, but its a start for me), and two other work appropriate shoes, one pair of airwalks.


Well-known member
I owed this year for the second time in my life. This will teach me to have my boss fill out my W4. On the bright side, my hubby and I put away $1000 toward our move this fall. I'm going to the chiropractor for an adjustment, the Starbinkles for a white mocha, a few boring errands, and then work
AFTER work, I see my hunky and we always enjoy hangin' out together.


Well-known member
After work, with my man we're going at the new place we're going to buy (still need the bank approbation). Take some mesurements and pictures...

I'm a little nervous because I can't wait to leave my actual appartment.

Nothing much is planned for tonight, maybe we'll go at the restaurant after, my mother will be with us and she loves eating there.


Well-known member
i got my measly tax return and i'm going to buy some hangers and a microwave cart-we are moving tuesday and all i wanna do is hang our clothes. we have been living out of trash bags for over 8 months. oh yeah and do something for the hubby since his b-day is tomorrow. i thought i could get away with giving him some lovin but i really think he wants
and how could i forget, my mom-in-law and i are going to MAC for our monthly date. she's a MAC virgin. I love taking people's make-up virginity. haha


Well-known member
Yay tgif! I went to an interview today morning. *fingers crossed

later in the day my friend and i are going for hair cuts in nyc and then bar hopping at night.

the weather here is gorgeousssssssssssssss

and the Pope is here visiting!


Well-known member
After work i'll be taking my daughter to Karate fun :/...after that we'll probably go home snuggle and watch Nancy Drew.


Well-known member
I celebrated it being Frinday by sleeping in till noon.
No plans whatsoever, but that is the beauty of Friday!! Maybe shopping and a disney movie marathon! lol


Well-known member
TGIF indeed. Today was my fiance's birthday so I took him to dinner just now. I'm going to take him to the movies later tonight. Still have to decide on which movie to see.


Well-known member
taxes *shudder*

Spent most of the day replacing all my recently planted flowers that died in the frost the other day. 30's one day, 80s the next. I must remember not to do my flowers until May next year. Chillin & watchin movies the rest of the weekend - maybe a bike ride


Well-known member
Janice, you know all about my full day. I am going to relax. I am wiped out (but happy

DH should be walking in the door any minute, so he and I are going to chill with some on-demand. Tomorrow we are sleeping in, big style!

Ohh, I think I'll make blueberry muffins for breakfast!


Well-known member
happy friday!

it's saturday over here.. but still.

friday nights i get to let out all the tension from the week at boxing training. it feels so good to kick and punch the hell out of some pads.

it doesn't feel so good when my trainer then makes me do all sorts of intense body conditioning