

Well-known member
Yay! Its the time of year when we all gather to celebrate "Columbus" "finding" "America" and the pilgrims and Native Americans "sharing a feast" and "living peacefully together"

Anyways, what are you guys' plans for the holiday? And what foods are you looking forward/not looking forward to?

I'm staying at home for most of the day and eating, then me and my boyfriend may travel to his dad's house to eat, then go to his friends house.

I'm looking forward to:
-mashed potatoes
-green beans
-sweet potato pie
-deviled eggs

I'm not looking forward to:
-cranberry sauce (ugh)


Well-known member
I love cooking, so I always look forward to the cooking part! My mom and I do it together

Looking forward to:
Cranberry concoction my mom makes
Homemade yeast rolls
Homemade mac & cheese
Delicious Apple pie my dad makes
Pumpkin pie

Not looking forward to:
Stuffing...don't like that stuff


Well-known member
We always go to my grandparents' home. I am looking forward to see my cousin aka "the little badness"


Other than that, I like sitting around and talking to my grandmother.

She'll prepare:
Macaroni and cheese
Potato Salad
Cranberry Sauce
Vanilla cake with chocolate frosting
Sweet Potato Pie
... plus some other stuff

I am going to eat like a pig.


Well-known member
Mmm! I'm looking forward to:
-Whole Cranberries
-Mashed Potatoes
-Deviled Eggs

Yay, only a few days away!


Well-known member
I am going to my sister's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I am looking forward to the mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pie.


Well-known member
Actually, I am not looking forward to it! How rotten is that...we are going to these people's house whom I don't like. I look forward to the parade on TV.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Actually, I am not looking forward to it! How rotten is that...we are going to these people's house whom I don't like. I look forward to the parade on TV.

Hilly get your a$$ up here, you're welcome to partake in our Thanksgiving feast.
Seriously though, what a horrible way to spend your day at someone's house who you don't even enjoy.

We're having a veritable feast at my house, my MIL and I did all our Turkey Day shopping last night. I'm so excited!


Well-known member
I never had a thanksgiving meal (the reason is that we don't celebrate it), I'd love to try it sometime, sounds delecious!


Well-known member
I am to celebrate it in an old historic bar & grill outside of the big easy. I have no idea what my friends and family have in store in regards to the food this year. This is the 1st time that I am doing this. I love doing different things. Who knows what they will have? They may have gumbo on the menu. I am getting excited.


Well-known member
I'm going up to the Bay for thanksgiving with my boyfriend.

Food I'm looking forward too...
Ham, Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Corn, and this Persian stew that my bf's uncle makes!

Aside from the food I'm also looking forward to hanging out with his cousins and friends, Black Friday shopping, and God willing some snowboarding up in Tahoe. I'm praying for snow...


Well-known member
I'm going away with my boyfriend and his friends. They want to make a thanksgiving dinner but I dont think any of them know how to cook
We shall see what happens. Our dinner will probably end up consisting of hamburgers and beers.


Well-known member
His name was Columbus. He did find America. (Was he the first? Another question all together). It is called America. Yeah, some shared a feast. Things weren't too "peaceful" though. I'll give you that one.

My family is scattered all over the world, but DH and I are going to his dad's. We are going to deep fry a turkey (so I won't live as long as I would have liked).

Anyone ever make a Turducken for Thanksgiving?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Anyone ever make a Turducken for Thanksgiving?

I've never even heard of that, what is it?


Well-known member
Even though I will be celebrating the day after, I'm looking forward to my new bottle of Italian wine.
In fact, since I'm really deciding what goes into this dinner and what doesn't, I'm looking forward to everything!
Sage Cheddar (and other smoky cheeses)
Italian Wine
Russian and German meats
European style bread
Spicy fruit chutney
Swedish berry jam...
plus the left overs that mom will bring me:
candied yams... more traditional stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I've never even heard of that, what is it?

Sounds like a turkey + a duck + a chicken, maybe?

How in the world...?


Well-known member
You put a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey and cook. Made famous by John Madden on Thanksgiving Day football games. Might explain why he looks like he's going to die anyday now, huh?


Well-known member
My dad makes the best stuffing! We never have leftovers of that (even when we have leftovers of everything else.) My dad is the cook in the family. He enjoys it and putters around all morning. Sometimes I help and make the cranberry sauce or cranberry bread or a pie.

Most of all though I can't wait to see my family and my dog!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
You put a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey and cook. Made famous by John Madden on Thanksgiving Day football games. Might explain why he looks like he's going to die anyday now, huh?

That kind of made me gag a little. ew.