The 2006 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest Winner Is......


Well-known member
No, you didn't read that wrong! The dresses are incredible considering that they are simply made out of toilet paper. Take a look here


Well-known member
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! the 1st dress is sooo pretty and the detail on the 2nd dress is AMAZING!!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
For my bridal shower....this was a game we played. My mom broke everyone into teams...I was told to leave the room (had not a clue WTF?)..each of the 3 teams had a "model". The only supplies given were rolls of TP and tape.

When I came back, I had to judge. I laughed so hard! None of them were as good as the pictures in the link though...

Here is a picture of the "worst" one at my shower. Lol.
