The American Health Care System... sucks =[ (Sicko, Michael Moore)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Personally, I'm interested in seeing how MA plays out. We were made to get insurance or get fined (I don't know how much). It's allegedly beneficial towards everyone. The state offers some plans if your place of work doesn't offer it. The insurance is on sliding scale.

I'm not against universal health care and do think basic health care should be for everyone (and this country needs better dental plans, regardless of state health care or private insurance), though I have my own insurance now. However, the way it's executed in some countries- it's still not perfect. I haven't done enough research to determine if it's better or worse than our system, but there's still issues of long waits and redtape.


Well-known member
Even if most Americans forget we exist, which I know isn't true, the USA would be a in bad state economically if Canada didn't exit. Canada remains your biggest economic trading partner for exports and imports, so your statment is pretty laughable.


Ask most Americans about Canada. I think you will be seriously surprised how out to lunch they are- and the comment wasn't actually meant to offend.

But, you clearly insinuated that Canada has a big problem with Americans coming there to take advantage of the healthcare system? How so? When? I dont know a single person who has gone to Canada to get anything done. I have plenty of family in Ireland who come to NYC to have operations, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
Ask most Americans about Canada. I think you will be seriously surprised how out to lunch they are- and the comment wasn't actually meant to offend.

Yes! Google for Rick Mercer's Talking To Americans! Freaking hilarious.

On the topic of healthcare, I would love to know how Americans that are coming over get doctors. I don't know a single one who is accepting new patients! I'm stuck going to the after hours clinic since my doc retired years ago.

And I would like to mention, I never have to wait more than 15-20 minutes to see a doc at the clinic, so I don't know what cracked-out Canadian would go over to Buffalo to get looked at!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
Please don't base your opinion of ANY healthcare system on a movie made by Michael Moore. Hell, please don't base ANY opinions on his until you've done the research. He's known for leaving out or distorting facts to suit his own opinions regarding certain topics.

I agree with your entire post.

I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 and I honestly thought that he would have a good argument.(this was before I knew about him) So I sit down to watch this movie thinking "ok well he doesn't have the same opinions as me but I want to hear his arguments "

HAHAHAHA... Boy was I WRONG! there was not ONE good argument throughout the entire movie! I couldn't even watch the whole thing because it was getting to be soooo ridiculously hilarious.
( I probably won't be watching this "sicko" movie, as I know he won't make any good points or have any actual facts that haven't been pulled out of his ass. )

I want you all to think about how Government agency's run.

Think of it as If we had "socialized medicine" it would basically be like going to the DMV. Long lines, lengthy waits. . NO THANK YOU.

It would be like a "Super HMO" ..I'm not ready to die yet. Thanks .

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The more I hear about this movie, the more I'm against it. Maybe I'm being uptight, but it's being marketed as hilarious. I understand and love satire, but at the same time, I think Michael Moore is trying to actually change things. If you want to do that, it would make more sense to take a serious approach rather than be a joke.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
The more I hear about this movie, the more I'm against it. Maybe I'm being uptight, but it's being marketed as hilarious. I understand and love satire, but at the same time, I think Michael Moore is trying to actually change things. If you want to do that, it would make more sense to take a serious approach rather than be a joke.

I totally agree. While I hate Al Gore, I can at least respect his effort for change from "An Incovenient Truth" because it was serious and sober. Micheal Moore? um... no.

Anyways... my healthcare is free, covered by the state of Bahrain. It's considered, there, to be a basic human right. Expats are also covered in Bahrain. I'm a citizen, and my education is also covered by the state

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
What's your system like? Since it seems like you of all people would know and have lots of experience with the system there, I'd like to hear how it works.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I totally agree. While I hate Al Gore, I can at least respect his effort for change from "An Incovenient Truth" because it was serious and sober. Micheal Moore? um... no.

I agree. While I also, have a strong dislike for Mr. Gore. At least in "An Inconvenient truth" He DID have a pretty good argument going.

Micheal Moore. No., Not so much. And he is constantly arguing with people. He never lets anyone talk, He is always interrupting people and he has a tendency to yell during arguments, instead of being a civilized Human he has to be all angry monkey like .

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
(I like Al Gore, but I only like him for reasons like he does a voice on Futurama)

The problem with Michael Moore is he gets a lot of attention but does jackshit with it. I also strongly believe that he preaches to the choir and that choir does nothing. I think if he would take a less outrageous stance and stop being a joke, he'd win people over.

I hate celebrity activism a lot of the time, but hell, I respect Angelina Jolie and what she's doing more than what MM is doing.

I'm extremely liberal and I know I have some of the same views as MM, but I really can't stand him. Part of me feels like he's just a loud mouth famewhore who's figured out a way to make money off his views and get attention.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
What's your system like? Since it seems like you of all people would know and have lots of experience with the system there, I'd like to hear how it works.

Bahrain is a rich Arab nation because of it's oil reserves. While it is a Kingdom, the wealth is filtered and distributed to citizens via government service programs. The country is also TINY! It's an island, not as large as the US or Canada.

okay... I stole this from here. But I think it's the best summary of the the health care system in Bahrain:
The country’s constitution upholds the people’s right to good health. Although the initial national health policy was to provide health care services to all residents, citizens and non-citizens, free-of charge, a charge has been introduced lately for expatriates, who must now pay upon each visit to a physician, at primary health care centres and for deliveries at hospitals. Implementation of the national health policy has achieved an equitable distribution of care to all levels of the population, with special emphasis on targeted groups through the primary health care system. Both the private sector and the community contribute to providing health care services, but the main burden rests with the government. Much of the health system and the administration of the health services used to be quite centralized. However, there has been a very strong trend towards regionalization in order to achieve better managerial, economic and technical implementation.


Well-known member
I think MM is a polarizer but his role is to make opinions. His movies are to be taken with a grain of salt and of course he is very biased, but I think his movies are more to get people to think for themselves and question the government, and he is highly effective in doing that.

I really liked the movie Sicko because it does show the state of healthcare in the USA, although his glorification of other countries is a bit inaccurate. But, the fact remains that the countries he compares to like Canada, France and Britain do have universal healthcare available to all, and people do enjoy a higher standard of living than in the USA.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think MM is a polarizer but his role is to make opinions. His movies are to be taken with a grain of salt and of course he is very biased, but I think his movies are more to get people to think for themselves and question the government, and he is highly effective in doing that.

I don't agree. I don't think he pushes people to think for themselves, and if he Trys to, He doesn't do a very good job of it..A lot of people believe what they see on T.V or in movies, and they all (at least the people I know who like him) believe what he says, and don't do any research on their own. At least that is my personal experience.


Well-known member
My boyfriend's grandpa is completely covered by his insurance. Yesterday he had to go to the emergency room because of a low blood count, failing kidneys, enlarged prostate, etc. etc. He had to wait 4 hours in ER before the doctors were able to see him. When he got a room, it took the nurses another 3 hours to get him blood.

He has been waiting for prostate surgery for almost a year.

The truth is, there are long lines in our health care system. We do have waiting periods for surgery. Americans have to wait as well.

P.S. - Raerae, if you don't disclose all the treatments, medicines, etc. that you take to your insurance company (i.e. they have records of all the prescriptions you paid for out of pocket), the insurance companies can deny your future claims based on "undisclosed medical history"

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I don't discredit that our health system (US citizen, too) isn't great, but I'm not sure if it's better than another one.


Well-known member
Don't go glorifying the health care system here in Canada. Yes, we provide absolutely everyone with the health care they require, but our doctors are poorly paid and many of them leave for the States where they can make more money. Which means that there is a huge shortage of health care professionals of all kinds in Canada right now, which is a big issue for us. Our waiting times are absolutely outrageous, in that my grandmother had to wait almost a year for an appointment, yes, an appointment, with a specialist to get her hip replaced. Then she had to wait almost another year for the actual surgery. It also means that if you don't have a family doctor you are out of luck, because no one is accepting new patients. I would still rather have our system than the one in the States, but it's far from perfect.

Oh and Raerae, we know that the burden of paying for health care falls on the upper and middle class. It just reflects the philosophy of the majority of Canadians, that the rich must help to provide for the poor. I'm not taking a crack at other philosophies or anything, that's just what a lot of us believe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
(I like Al Gore, but I only like him for reasons like he does a voice on Futurama)

Which voice does he do?!

I totally love Futurama <3


Well-known member
The problem in our healthcare system here in canada is the same than any other system over here : too many bureaucrats. I mean by that, that they need 3 people in 3 different offices to make to job of 1.

Just yesterday I went to the hospital to have a lipoma removed. I had my first appointment in last january if I can remember, and the Dr said that I had to call her secretary to confirm the rendez-vous in hospital, wich I did the next day. She told me I couldnt pass before autumn (2007), and told me to call back sometimes to see if they have cancelled appointment.

She (the Dr secretary) called me on monday to tell me that they actually had a cancellation and ask me if I wanted to have the surgery done this week. It wasnt a good week for this for me because its my bday today but I tought about it and reallized that I coulndt say no because I wasnt sure when they would call back. Before of after christmas, we never now...

SO, I said yes. She told me that the hospital would call back to confirm. I asked : ok but isnt that what we just did? She said : Yes but they decide first.

Had their call.
Tought it was ok, but another person called to tell me that I had to go on wednesday to have my blood and urine (sorry) tested. I was like, ok 3 calls for one thing.... cant wait for it... hahaha

And its the same thing when you go there for the surgery. One nurse for this, for that, one helping person (no health care, only changing beds and stuff) another one for that. And just imagine in the operation room. I think they were 10 people... :confused:

The last time I had a thing removed from the same place, my underharm, they were 2.

Its always complicated like that. No wonder why people with bigger surgeries are going to Cuba or Asia, its costly but you have it done in the next month. Here, people with cancer have time to die before they get treated sometimes...

I didnt see is movie, my bf talk to me about it a little and it seems complicated in the us too with the insurance thing. Its a chance we dont have it here, it would be such a chaos...