I don't think so!
If you check the information on your pill, it does say one of the possible side effects is water retention, and that can make you a little bit fuller... but it's rare. I've been on the pill for 2 years, and it never gave me side effects... only not pain
But if you experience any side effects like weight again, or other serious problems you just have to go to your doctor and he would decide if you should change pills or if you shouldn't take the pill which is very rare too!
There's so many brands and doses that you will have to find the right for you, and if you gain weight don't worry, you just have to stop taking that pill and you'll lose it.
I've been in the same one for 2 years and it's alright
An advice, choose a lower dose pill, because the higher doses, in a long term, can make you have liver problems... It happened to my mom. She took the same higher dose pill for 28 eyers and had to stop. But if you take a lower pill I guess it's okay, that's what my doctor said
I hope this helps you (