The ex problem


Well-known member
So as most of you know, I dated a guy in the Marines for about 8 months. Recently we have been talking and were going to meet.
One of my friends stirred some stuff between us and now we are not talking.
I got this email from a girl today, he has a girlfriend now I want to add. This girl found my email online, and asked me whether he has a girlfriend or not. Hes on a dating site for casual sex and romance.

Uhmmm...And hes not single.
Part of me wants to not interfere. But my feminist part of me wants to prove to his girlfriend that girls stick together and we help each other out.
But I dont want to tell her personally.
This is whats being said , read from the bottom up:

Well I don't even really know what you look like and I don't know whenever you want but I could def get into giving you a nice sex session and seeing what your all about and nope no myspace

=====Alisa wrote=====
I love a hot single marine to pin me down to the bed and give it to me hard. when do u wanna meet for this encounter? And whats ur myspaxe. I am sure a while ago u said u had one. or do u wanna hide having a hot chick on ur page. lol

Well I mean I have to actually have a girl to agree with it otherwise its useless to even talk about haha but what do you like in bed?

=====Alisa wrote=====

Jeez your boring. Send me something dirty back. U said on ur profile u want casual sex partners..why dont u do something about it?


Nope but if you unlimited txt like I do my cell is 757 297 9054 hit me up

=====Alisa wrote=====
Okay, do you have msn or facebook?

Well I mean I'm not against that at all its been a little while for me haha went on deployment and got back a few weeks ago so I'm def interested in that

Well what about casual sex? Im looking for someone to date and possible some good time in bed thrown in. I heard marines are the best....I want to see that proved.

=====XC wrote=====
What do you mean a guy like me? What's wrong with me? And I'm just kinda looking for whatever happens happens lol

=====Alisa wrote=====
So whats a guy like you doing on here? And what things are you after...

=====XC wrote=====
Shhh how right you were about last night! Haha

=====Alisa wrote=====
I have this amazing image with you drooling over the keyboard half asleep right now, and half naked...Yummy...

=====XC wrote=====
hi im sry about not answering i fell asleep with my computer on hit me back sometime. sry again


Well-known member
its none of your business so stay out of it! not being harsh but just coming from a place of experience, if he is looking for casual sex he is going to find it wherever and with whomever he chooses-you cannot save everyone from his sexual prowess.
he seems like a real jerk and you need to be thankful you are rid of that baggage.
isn't this the same guy that wont return your stuff? he is real mature so you can imagine the repercussions of you speaking out against him-i am not saying to fear him but he and his sex are not worth the drama. the girlfriend will soon find out about him.
and the friend that stirred stuff seems like she has something up her sleeve-maybe she wants or has had his sex.
run far away from this episode you got more going for you!


Well-known member
Yeah thats what I was thinking. Im so fed up of girls being treated so badly! And i just want some sort of system where we can help each other out when one another is being cheated on. This sucks. I used to hate his ex, now i feel bad for her.....

Who knows. I think karma will have revenge soon! Thanks for the advice though!

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I've kept up with this over the past couple of days and honestly there is no way in hell I would give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was a woman scorned. He's doesn't deserve to be put on a pedestal like you seem to be doing in a round about way. I agree that this is 100 percent none of your business. What is your business is anything that involves having your property returned to you. After that wash your hands, and God knows what else of this vermin. I feel for ya but it's for the best that he's no longer your problem.


Well-known member
i agree with benzito & corv's queen, the best you can do is realise he is not a perfect man, and he is nothing good to be with, so you didnt lose anything breaking up with him. It gonna be too much of a big honor for him knowing you're updated with what he does. Let it go hun.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
I've kept up with this over the past couple of days and honestly there is no way in hell I would give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was a woman scorned. He's doesn't deserve to be put on a pedestal like you seem to be doing in a round about way. I agree that this is 100 percent none of your business. What is your business is anything that involves having your property returned to you. After that wash your hands, and God knows what else of this vermin. I feel for ya but it's for the best that he's no longer your problem.

I've been reading your posts as well and definitely agree. If he's that big of a douche she will find out sooner or later, hopefully sooner. But you shouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing your still so into him that you are trying to ruin his relationship. Not that you actually are still into him but I'm sure that's what he will think, he won't think you're trying to help his girlfriend.