The Law of Averages


Well-known member
The law of Averages.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s discuss the law of averages.

Some men out there like to purport to have 9, 10, even 12 inch dicks. Guess what. That’s useless.

The average male member is all of 6.5 inches. Roughly.
Know why? Because nature made the yin and yang to fit together. See where I’m going here? The average vagina is…you guessed it…7 inches deep. (I’ll get to the reasoning for that later…) That means that when the manhood is longer than the average, the extra length is wasted.

Another tidbit for you? The most sensitive part of the penis AND the vagina is the first three to three and a half inches. What does that mean? That means that the shorties out there actually have a leg up on the sausage dogs of the world. Why? Because they have the perfect paddle to prod the ever elusive, ever sought after gspot. The head of their dick is pounding away (enthusiastically I might add) at that ribbed, spongy spot on the upper vagina. Guess what that means for the female half of the mating act…you got it. A Gspot orgasm. AHHHHHHHHHH the joy.

See, nature intended man and woman to be together in such a manner that they could successfully procreate and further the species. So. When an 8.5 inch cock is pounding away on a cervix, it’s actually INHIBITING the furthering of the species, because this causes a bit of micro damage to a VERY sensitive part of the body. Meaning that it inhibits nature’s plan.

Back to my point in paragraph 3. the reason that the average phallus is 6.5 inches long and the average vagina is 7 inches deep is because nature has created a cul de sac at the end of the vagina for sperm to collect, thereby…….omg can you believe it? Allowing for a greater chance of pregnancy…when a nine inch log is thrusting back and forth in that cul de sac it’s displacing the sperm. Once again inhibiting nature’s plan.

So…all you uberproud super hung assholes out there bragging about having a swinging nine inch sausage log, realize this:
a.Over 2 inches of man meat is being wasted.
b.You’re actually probably hurting the female you’re banging with because the cervix is as sensitive as it is.
c.AND since the first THREE inches are the most sensitive…on both genders…all the rooting around you’re doing isn’t likely to produce an orgasm for the girl…and since a cock will explode with the right amount of yanks, you’re not really getting anywhere on your front either.

So what have we learned?
Given that the average vagina is seven inches, and the average penis is six and a half inches, and nature had a specific plan and purpose in the evolution of said sex organs, anything longer than that is in fact a waste.


Well-known member
BAHAHA that's awesome. you just made me smile


Well-known member
You're awesome Shimmer! I love today's lesson. Sure average is great, but I know first hand what it's like to have a wayyy less than average sausage. Believe me, it did nothing for me!


Well-known member
Oh I'm not knocking average, just saying a super tanker isn't all they'd like it to be.


Well-known member
Oh dear. Is it ever.
I understand that physically, I'm capable of giving birth (never actually done that whole hee hee hoo hoo pushpushpush thing, but...I've seen it done!) but that's not really that fun! And, having a bruised cervix just sucks.


Well-known member
I think every guy who thinks a 12 inch penis is what every woman longs for should read that. Sorry, there is no way you are going to put a foot of penis up there and expect me to enjoy it. I'm very happy with my partner's length, but if he was even a little bit bigger, it wouldn't be nearly as fun. Thanks for the post Shimmer!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
…and since a cock will explode with the right amount of yanks, you’re not really getting anywhere on your front either.

Oh, Shimmer, you make me laugh so hard! I'm trying to imagine a guy's shock at that....Heehee.


Well-known member
I kinda zoned out whe I read 12 inch dick...
This is so intersting to read. I'm gonna make sure I tell every guy I know.
But I was thinking... To all the guys who read Specktra anyway, do they really bang away at many vagnas anyway? I'm not trying to stereotype or anything but... yeah


Well-known member
i learned something like that in 7th grade health when boys started telling me they had 10 inches and wide. i pretty much shut it down by saying well i learned in health class that only about 4.5 inches of that will fit in my area comfortably so thanks but no thanks


Well-known member
I think width would be very significant in the equation too. I mean take a hot dog (1/2 " width) verses a slim shaft of stick shift (3" width). Now, I think the width of the receptacle would really vary and that would influence this whole issue too. Length + width =

Ah, the moon reminded me of the "motion" of the ocean too.


Well-known member

My man is between 7-8 inches. Sometimes it hurts when he puts the whole thing in. When he does short, shallow thrusts it feels really good.

But sometimes....I want him to put every inch he possibly can in there. Don't ask why. I just do.

And more than 7 inches may be a waste. but seriously...I would've laughed if it was anywhere smaller than 7. Because that just looks pathetic. I like my man to be big, strong, very masculine....with a big strong d*ck as well. No matter how much of it is a waste--a big cock is just fun to look at. And he can always control how much of it he's putting in there.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
To all the guys who read Specktra anyway, do they really bang away at many vagnas anyway? I'm not trying to stereotype or anything but... yeah

ahahaha. i was trying to think of how to bring that up, but you did it for me! seeing as im not having sex with any women and the such, id prefer a guy to have a big dick every now and then. i dont think i could handle a baseball bat sized ding dong all the time, but whatever, im not getting pregnant, i dont need to worry about ruining the cul de sac or whatever


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
ahahaha. i was trying to think of how to bring that up, but you did it for me! seeing as im not having sex with any women and the such, id prefer a guy to have a big dick every now and then. i dont think i could handle a baseball bat sized ding dong all the time, but whatever, im not getting pregnant, i dont need to worry about ruining the cul de sac or whatever

LOL. Funny and true.


Well-known member
Guys, I'm not talking about salving the burned and battered images of the men in the world with a little oar.
I'm just calling BS on the guys who like to swagger about having a 9" battering ram between their legs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
ahahaha. i was trying to think of how to bring that up, but you did it for me! seeing as im not having sex with any women and the such, id prefer a guy to have a big dick every now and then. i dont think i could handle a baseball bat sized ding dong all the time, but whatever, im not getting pregnant, i dont need to worry about ruining the cul de sac or whatever


Johnny & CantAffordMAC I am with you. It's just something about a nice, thick, long dick. I'm sorry you can take 6 inches and keep it. I can't even imagine 4 inches. Even if my eyes are bigger than my vagina and can't take 10 inches it's nice to look at and I'll try to work with it.

I get what you are saying Shimmer because alot of cats lie and talk about how they are this and that and think that they are doing something when they aren't doing shit.