The MA's at your MAC counter


Well-known member
Are they all super talented? And what do you particularly like about their makeup?

For example I went to one store today and 2 of the MAs had quite boring makeup but it was applied perfectly and made their faces look gorgeous. The other girl, well her application was pretty poor.

Its the same at my local counter. However when I used to live in LA i found that the majority of the US MAs were more creative than the uk ones. Does anyone agree/disagree?


Well-known member
Everytime i go to my local MAC counter theres a M/A who has the most perfect flawless airbrushed looking skin ive seen in my life! I can never stop looking at her when i go to the counter and her eyebrows are perfect. She wears natural makeup though and sometimes a smokey eye but she doesnt need tonnes of makeup because she looks literally perfect :| and theres another girl who does her eyes AMAZINGLY! there is one who looks like she puts on too much lipgloss it looks dead gloopy on her lips but she does her eyes good


Well-known member
My favorite MA's makeup looks okay. Sometimes I really like her color combos other times not so much. But, she is really good at doing my makeup and recommending things to me. There are a couple other MAs at local counters who just look fabulous. I am very impressed everytime I see them.


Well-known member
I would love my MA's to be a bit more inspiring..... they always hae the exact same colour combos (im serious) and they just try and get you in and out. its a very small counter though, like a little hole hehe


Well-known member
My 3 fave MAs at the freestanding I go to always look FLAWLESS. One of them always has a very simple neutral eye with ruby red lips, but everything is applied perfectly &it totally suits her. Another one is always doing crazy color combos with her eye makeup &it looks FANTASTIC every time, always perfectly blended. The 3rd always looks really classy. She's mostly a neutral/smokey eye gal, but occassionally she throws some color in there &pulls it off with class. PLUS they are all very nice &super helpful. There is a reason I prefer this f/s to any other f/s or counter I've been to. I've seen some MAs with horrid-looking makeup or no makeup at all.


Well-known member
Its so cool to hear about the different counters
there is one in the city where all the MAs where exactly the same makeup day by day, I guess to sell certain products.


Well-known member
My fave gals are great. They are all really talented. I like one counter in particular because it employs a wide demographic of MAs. They go from super glam to natural looking. That just seems more sincere. Like they are really being themselves. They are all attitude-free as well.


Well-known member
i love my favorite is (of course...) the boy that works there. But I learn the most from him. I love that I can go to the counter and learn something every time I'm there...that's my favorite part about them...and their pretty makeup helps too
They've got mad skillz at makeup app...and they always show me new things I'd never think of trying ::coughSNOBandUPTHEAMPcough::


Well-known member
I never notice their make-up! LOL oops.

The only time I ever noticed a MAC MA's make-up was when I had a make over, so I guess I had time to study it. She had that really classy old hollywood (what I call cameo look) with matte cream on her lid and something a bit fleshtone in the crease and perfectly applied winged black liner. I can't remember her lipstick. The e/s was perfect though, I've tried to duplicate the look a few times but never came close. I should have asked what she was wearing.

The only time I've really noticed SA/MAs make-up at Mac is when its a bit over the top usually at a launch of a new collection like Barbie or C-Shock


Well-known member
all but one of them always look fabulous. the girl that doesnt always look fab though is amazing at making other people look fantastic, so i dont understand it! i've noticed they usually stick to similar things but when they do each others make-up they all go crazy, it's fantastic
one day i walked past and they all had dark teal right up past their eyebrows with new ones drawn on, so i had to pop in and buy something! haha. i'm hopeless

one ma i absolutely love because she's hilarious and very talented, and lovely as well! and she always tells me about anything new/coming up and purple, because i'm a bit purple-obsessed!