The Neighbors + Smoking


Well-known member
UGH! I have friends who smoke, and personally I don't care if someone chooses to smoke, but just don't do it around me because second hand kills.

But I honestly dunno what to do now. As of lately, the neighbors have been smoking a lot and the smell trickles into the house. Everytime they smoke, I have to close the windows. It disrupts what I am doing whether it be watching tv, eating, or even hanging out outside. I dunno what to do and I am going CRAZY!!!! I can't exactly ask them to stop because I don't know really know them. help!


Well-known member
Hmmm, thats a pretty tough one. If it really bothers you a lot I recommend just politely saying something to them. I mean what's the worst they can do? Just explain why it bothers you and ask them if there is another area outside where they can smoke. Maybe that would work...I don't know any other suggestions?


Well-known member
There were 2 cases - an older lady & then a seriously sick young boy I believe, both were on oxygen and had this issue. Just simple coming & going from their homes was so difficult for them & their health...let alone the oxygen tanks involved. I'm not sure how their individual situations ever turned out.


Well-known member
That's a tricky situation because they have a right to smoke. What about buying some of those cheap masks that go over your face? I believe they have a few in a pack, and you could keep them around your house???


Well-known member
Yeah, that's a toughie. I'd just politely ask them that they not smoke on the side of the house that's closest to yours because the smell is getting into your house. Otherwise, I don't think there's much else you can do except close your windows. Yesterday, I swear I smelled someone smoking weed when I was in my backyard.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Well i no how u feel im not a smoker either but to be honest i dont think u can really do anything about it i think they would say thats really ur problem and the best u can do is close ur windows. I have never smoked and dont like it but if people around me smoke i have to suck it up or not be around go to a different part of the room or ect. I mean if there directly blowing in my face then of course ill say something or if its in ur house then u have a right to say something but other than that us none smokers have to deal with it.


Well-known member
unfortunately there's nothing you can do. everyone has the right to smoke in their own home or outside if they choose. and if the wind blows just right (or wrong) it carries into your house. imo, asking someone not to smoke in their own home because the smell bothers you might just cause some problems.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
unfortunately there's nothing you can do. everyone has the right to smoke in their own home or outside if they choose. and if the wind blows just right (or wrong) it carries into your house. imo, asking someone not to smoke in their own home because the smell bothers you might just cause some problems.

I agree. I don't smoke and it bothers me as well, but if they own the home, they can do as they please. Unless they are doing something illegal, there really isn't much you can do about it. I guess you could ask them nicely, but it will probably just piss them off...sorry about your situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
unfortunately there's nothing you can do. everyone has the right to smoke in their own home or outside if they choose. and if the wind blows just right (or wrong) it carries into your house. imo, asking someone not to smoke in their own home because the smell bothers you might just cause some problems.

I agree, Nobody likes to be told what to do in their own homes.
unfortunately you may just have to get used to it.



Well-known member
In my state, many apartments have no smoking rules, and there's the strict rule that you cannot smoke in a public building or within 25 feet of one. I mean the most drastic one would be moving here to Washington, which is very non-smoker friendly. But it is a private home so they are allowed to do it. I would suggest that you get some really good air filtration devices as well as some good home fragrancing to help make it more pleasant for you.

I definitely know how it is though-the mom of one of my guy friends is a smoker and you can smell it everywhere in the house, in his clothes, you name it.


Well-known member
I understand you
I used to live in a building of 6 appartments and I was the only non-smoker. I got sick, 2 bronchitis (sp??), passing 1 box of kleenex a week. I tried to talk to the janitor (they were probably smoking 3 packs a day, 2 persons), but nothing helped. It was also passing through the walls and the floors, hated it!

I hope you can talk to them, maybe just ask that they don't smoke near your windows? Even if you don't know them, you can still ask them very politely?



Well-known member
ok i was kinda in the same situation as you. last summer i noticed that there was an insane amount of ciggie ends in oiur garden (neither me or hubby smoke) and i came to the conclusion that it was the teenager next door who was chucking them into our garden when she'd finished so her parents didn't find out. Basically when i was in our office iu had the window open and could smell ciggies, knew it was her and waited for her to chuck the end in our garden. when she'd done it i popped over her house (while parents were away) and just said politely that i didn't appriciate her using my garden as a bin and the smell was also not welcome so please do it somewhere else. and she stopped! although it could be because she thought i'd tell her parents!!


Well-known member
*sigh* y'all are right. I can't really tell them to stop smoking in their own home. It's just really annoying how I have to stop what I am doing and close the windows or go elsewhere. But I have to just accommodate and get used to it. I just hate how it's an inconvenience and its possibly ruining my health.

Thanks for all of your advice! I appreciate it!


Well-known member
Leilani, I sooo sympathize with you! Second hand smoke bothers me so much. I don't go anywheres near anyone smoking and I'm generally not as nice about it as you are. I cannot stand when people stand outside a store and smoke so that anyone walking in has to do deal with it. It's the nastiest habit EVER! It smells disgusting and I have a really picky nose that I can pick up on it super easily even if a car infront of me and I both have our windows down and he/she is smoking. I don't care if they want to kill themselves, but they have no right to try and kill me why they are at it. Again, it just goes back to how inconsiderate of human beings most people are these days.

I am allllllllll for banning smoking in any public place. A lot of places, including Madison (capitol of Wisconsin!) are already starting to put those restrictions in place. I think it's a great idea & I hope soon it "spreads like wildfire."

Although everyone says you can't do anything they are only partially right. You can't tell someone to stop smoking in their own home (and generally, that is an unfair demand) but you CAN mention to them that you have allergies/reactions/etc. and the smoke does bother you. Whether or not it pisses them off, who cares? You have a right to your opinion (just as they also do...) and they might even be nice enough to lay off the smoking. I think you mention it to them, but if worse comes to worse you know how they have those "smokeless ashtrays"?? Well you could always get a humidifier to put into your window or a fan blowing outwards so that it keeps the smell/smoke away and filtered!??

I bet if I was really pissed off one day and in that situation I'd probably tape a big box of the patch to their door LOL. JK!



Well-known member
Yes, I just love it when people:

1. Are stopped at an intersection next to my car and they are dangling their burning cigarette out of their window and it rolls into my car.

2. Decide to smoke right at the doorway of an establishment so I am forced to walk through their fog of stink on my way in the door. My fave occurance of this phenomenom was a dude smoking at the entrance of a hospital that specialized in lung ailments. I shit you not.

3. When neighbors smoke outside.

Here's a hint: If you, the smoker, can't stand your own stink so much that you refuse to hold your cig in the car or smoke in your own house, chances are us non-smokers around you don't want to experience it either. Please, take your shitty smelling carcinogens elsewhere. I have pretty strong feelings on the issue and don't feel the least bit apolgetic about expressing them.


Well-known member
As a smoker, if a neighbour came to me and politely asked me to move around the side of the house a bit because the smoke was bothering them, I'd have no problem with it. However I'm quite happy not to inflict my poison on anyone else and if I'm sat out somewhere like outside a cafe, I'll always ask the people around me if it's ok if I light up and I don't smoke around kids.

So if you get desperate, you can always ask them in a polite and friendly way but I guess it also depends on how well you know your neighbours as well and what kind of people you are. Being a smoker doesn't automatically make you a horrible person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Yes, I just love it when people:

1. Are stopped at an intersection next to my car and they are dangling their burning cigarette out of their window and it rolls into my car.

2. Decide to smoke right at the doorway of an establishment so I am forced to walk through their fog of stink on my way in the door. My fave occurance of this phenomenom was a dude smoking at the entrance of a hospital that specialized in lung ailments. I shit you not.

3. When neighbors smoke outside.

Here's a hint: If you, the smoker, can't stand your own stink so much that you refuse to hold your cig in the car or smoke in your own house, chances are us non-smokers around you don't want to experience it either. Please, take your shitty smelling carcinogens elsewhere. I have pretty strong feelings on the issue and don't feel the least bit apolgetic about expressing them.


Once when I was in the E.R., there was some lady who was all frazzle dazzled apparently and kept trying to light up IN THE HOSPITAL...emergency room of all places. She tried to sneak it in the bathroom which was close to my room and we could smell it. Then they caught her and she tried it AGAIN. They were trying to be nice and let her stay there b/c apparently she was homeless but omg. the nerve.


Well-known member
Meh, a lot of smokers are pretty laid back. If you politely ask them if they could move to another area outside, as it is coming into your house, I bet they would. Not all smokers are inconsiderate jerks, just like I'm sure not all non smokers display a holier than thou attitude.

Edited to say I didn't think the OP has a holier than thou attitude, lol


Well-known member
They may have a right to smoke, but you have just as much right to clean air. You live there too.