this is what i never got about the oc. i watched that show once, and in that one episode alone they trashed riverside like 17 times for being "ghetto." when probably 90% of that damn show's fans are from here. so first off, fuck the producers. sorry, but...they should use their brains before writing things. because riverside is full of people who are proud to be from riverside...and their ratings did drop when they started trash talking. you tell someone with a raincross tattoo that riverside is ghetto and trashy, they're gonna be pissed. and they won't support it. and it's funny, because anyone who's ever been to riverside knows that it isn't much different than all those nice cities in orange county.
but anyway, i digress. that whole thing just really irked me. so in short, i knew it would be cancelled, and honestly...i'm glad it's been cancelled. their shit talking on that show was actually giving us a bad rep and that's not cool.