The oldest profession in the world.....


Well-known member
Here we go again;


Some folks have already made assumptions about my morals so this post might come as a bit of a surprise. This isn't an attempt to upset or offend but a post born out of my own curiosity. I have a number of good friends here in London and in the USA who work at the upper end of what might be termed the "adult entertainment industry".

On my first visit to NYC five years ago I was on my way to a bar for an evening out with a friend I'd known for a long time. What I didn't know at the time was that she supplemented her income as a graphic designer by providing services to moneyed Wall Street types after hours. On the way to the bar she said we'd have to call via her agency to pick up some money. I thought this a bit strange as I didn't think graphic design agencies ran offices handing out cash near 11pm on a Friday night, then again it was my first time in NYC so what did I know about such things?

We came to an anonymous door in the financial district with numerous bell pushes by it and she pressed one of them. A light came on and a voice barked out from the entryphone "Who's that with you?" - "she's my friend Sarah and she's safe" replied my graphic designer friend.

The door latch buzzed and she led me through a long corridor and out through another door into a back yard. Across the yard was another door and when she opened it I could see lots of very beautiful girls just sitting around chatting. I quickly realised that this wasn't likely to be a graphic design agency. We went through to the office and waited for about ten minutes while her payment was sorted out. It seems that her client from the previous night had paid by Visa which is why she had to collect the cash.

We left and headed for the bar. No sooner had we arrived than her phone went. She went outside as the music in the bar made a phone conversation impossible and returned after a couple of minutes. "That was for you" she said. I knew that a few of our mutual friends knew we were going to be together that evening and might have tried to contact me through her so wasn't surprised until she said "It was the agency. They wondered if you could help them with a client tonight who was looking for a girl exactly like you. It's $500 per hour after deductions and there's no obligation to do anything physical. I told them it wasn't your scene and you were busy anyway"

As you can imagine I was more than a little surprised. Personally I have no problem with people who wish to make money this way as long as they do it safely. For many it's a very risky business. Girls working for the agency that contacted me were much safer than most as payments were by credit card (usually traceable) and their clients were exlusively from Wall Street (quite how they advertise I have no idea! I don't see many adverts in the WSJ). No matter how good the pay (and $500 per hour is good by anyone's reckoning) it's not something I feel I could do (partly for reasons I've already mentioned on another thread)

So, I couldn't do it myself but I have no objections to other consenting adults doing it. What do others think?


Well-known member
I wouldn't want to do it (and I'm married anyway, so I couldn't even if I wanted to), but I've got no objections to it. I think it should be legalized, though, because I think it would be much safer for the people working in that capacity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
I think it should be legalized, though, because I think it would be much safer for the people working in that capacity.

I think that's an excellent point. It's legal in Nevada and those working have their health checked regularly and there is good security in their workplaces.


Well-known member
Do you know how much makeup I could buy making $500 an hour
Btw, where did you find that can of worms? It's adorable.


Well-known member
LOL! Yes - $500 would do my makeup collection wonders too!

As for the can of worms I drew it myself from scratch because I couldn't find one online that I liked. Glad you like it

If one of the admins would like I'd be very happy for it to become a custom smiley here - something like
would be appropriate.


Well-known member
I have no problems with other people doing it but probably not for me. The furthest I ever went was I use to dance in nightclubs in NYC like i was one of their club girls that just pranced around in bathing suit like attire but a couple of my friend went from that to stripping which is also not for me but more power to them


Well-known member
Well since I teach school I'd get -moral turpitude. And since I'm married to a cop- but hey- HBO real sex is a very interesting show that I watch, and i don't have a problem with it, its not me.... but hey I'm open minded and the money sounds like a great temptation - if aids wasn't out there (that is the scariest thing to me- I'd hate to expose myself to something like that).


New member
It really doesn't bother me if it's safe. I mean, I would never do it, somehow I would feel violated (i think). And I do agree it should be legal although there would still be a fare share of girls/guys who would rather do it otherwise... I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be legal, after all pornographic movies are legal and, in essence, it's the same thing...


Well-known member
I can't condone it but if its a way for someone to make a living I can't condemn it either. I have no problem with it really as long as it doesnt effect me

Seriously-I mean people are going to do whatever they please anyway. Nothing will stop them. As long as they are adults they know what they are getting themselves into and they know consequences (if there are any) of their decisions. I mean I can't make someones decisions for them so you know...*shrug* whatchya gonna do?


Well-known member
I haven't a problem with it; I definitely feel that it should be legalized. However, most prostitutes (or whatever term you wish to use) aren't making that kind of money. They are working the streets, usually to support a drug habit, and they are at the mercy of their pimps and their tricks.

I do wonder how someone can sell themselves sexually and still have a "normal" romantic relationship. I'm pretty open-minded but it would bother me if my boyfriend/girlfriend was having sex with other people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
Do you know how much makeup I could buy making $500 an hour
Btw, where did you find that can of worms? It's adorable.

All I can say is LMAO - your right!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
However, most prostitutes (or whatever term you wish to use) aren't making that kind of money. They are working the streets, usually to support a drug habit, and they are at the mercy of their pimps and their tricks.

I believe studies have shown that the idea of working girls doing it to support drug habits, etc. are in a minority.

I do wonder how someone can sell themselves sexually and still have a "normal" romantic relationship. I'm pretty open-minded but it would bother me if my boyfriend/girlfriend was having sex with other people.

The same way that people can have multiple partners while in a primary relationship without. Polyamory, open relationships, etc.


Well-known member
I would have done it! They said that you weren't obligated to do anything physical right? So it was more of a call girl service than prostitution. Although I'm well aware that most likely, most of the girls who work in that industry *do* sleep with their clients, if it's not in the "job description" and that was the pay, hell yea I'd do it! $500 to keep someone company?!?

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
I wouldn't want to do it (and I'm married anyway, so I couldn't even if I wanted to), but I've got no objections to it. I think it should be legalized, though, because I think it would be much safer for the people working in that capacity.

I agree absolutely


Well-known member
Hell yeah i'de do it, $500 and no strings?! I do have plenty of morals and values, but none of them that i can think of would exclude me from making money like that for doin' next to nothin! I mean hey, im a nice guy anyways, so if someone want to pay me for my company, who am i to say no


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
I would have done it! They said that you weren't obligated to do anything physical right?So it was more of a call girl service than prostitution. Although I'm well aware that most likely, most of the girls who work in that industry *do* sleep with their clients, if it's not in the "job description" and that was the pay, hell yea I'd do it! $500 to keep someone company?!?

My thoughts exactly!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
how do i contact these types?

I have no idea how the agency that approached me got its business. They certainly didn't leave calling cards in phone booths.