The Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious


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Anyone watches the show?

Does anyone also feel that Chrystina and Natalie are a tad too vain about how beautiful they are compared to the rest?

It's hard choosing 3 out of the 5 girls who are left because i kind of like them all. It was hard for the judges to eliminate one of them so no one got eliminated this week.

I can't wait to see who is going to be in the final 3 because there is so much hate going on between Charlie, Tifani, Natalie and Chrystina.

What are your thoughts? Who should be in the final 3?


Well-known member
i think for sure nicole and chrystina make the group, the single LIKE ME on the girlishious myspace page has it in its entirety and the two of the solo parts are def nicole and chrystina, my guess is natalie will also make the group. Charlye and tiffani are good but they are more solo stars, as i could see them being solo and standing out but cant with the other three.


Well-known member
I wanna watch this, reminds me of that search for the next pussycat doll or something....but it would probably come out on free to air tv in australia after like 3 years lol


Well-known member
i CANNOT STAND natalie! she's so frickin vain and annoying!


Well-known member
I dunno why but I LOVE Natalie!
I like Chrystina too, but she's not consistent... I hate Nicole. I think Tiffanie and Charlye are good performers but I don't like their attitude.
I LOVE THIS SHOW! lol. I really wanted Carrie to be in it, but ugh. Why did they have to eliminate her? I would buy her album for sure, if she ever goes solo


Well-known member
i really love the single that they had to sing and then shot the video on the beach...loved the song was it called leave you alone?

I think that Natalie is full of herself but she does look like a star. I loved Carrie as well but she was more of a solo singer. Gena was beautiful!

ETA: Natalie reminds of Nicole Sherzinger


Well-known member
I really like Natalie, she's got the whole package. She's beautiful, great dancer and has a great voice.

Charly got a great voice too but she might not fit in in a group. I think she should be solo because her voice is amazing and really strong, it stands out.

I like Nichole as well.

Chrystina is beautiful but hmm, she's not always doing her best. I have no thoughts on Tiffanie except that in the fight she had with Chrystina and Gena she went crazy.


Well-known member
I am pleased with Nichole and Tiffanie, I dont really care to mush for the others. As a matter of fact I would have loved for Charli to be the 3rd member, but I was not a judge. Over all i cant complain though. I just love their new single.


Well-known member
Im shocked that they made the group a four but i think its for the better.
I knew from the get go that Robin would pick Natalie cause shes always like i "love this girl, shes so beautiful, she is it etc." that was a given. I really like Nichole and Tiffani. Chrystina not so much cause while everyone has good days and bad days, shes never on point wether it be with dancing or singing.

I wish Jenna would have made it. She was my FAVE!!


Well-known member
im sooooo happy they made it a 4!!
I think in the end, Tiff really did try hard to get along with natalie and chrystina and put their differences aside, so i respect her for that eventho i didn't like her throughout the entire show. she's TOO MUCH and a drama queen. but i'm glad she realized that they need to respect each other in order for things to fall into place.

for those who say natalie is vain, i see where you're coming from b/c of that time they were talkin in front of their big mirror saying how they'll get in the group b/c they're pretty. i didn't really look that much into it b/c (correct me if i'm wrong) i think the episode before...the one where they did sway and 13 men...on the way back home, tiff and charlye were talkin SMACK in the car saying how they can't believe carrie when home and who's still left in the competition. i thought that was really childish and just plain rude. the way they talk makes themselves seem like they're the bomb and they're the best, and they don't know why chrystina and natalie are still here.
yes they have beef, but even if you have beef, you're just ignorant if you say u dunno why those girls are still there. they totally failed to see that they worked just as hard as them, and they ARE talented enough to still be there. so i totally didn't like the way they were talkin smack constantly and putting chrystina and natalie down. so i can understand why natalie and chrystina went into defense/vain mode and said they're pretty but tiff and charlye aren't. if i were to put myself in natalie and chrystina's shoes, yes i would say tiff and charlye are ugly b/c being pretty includes having a pretty personality too. and if ur personality is about putting down ppl, talkin smack, creating drama, and bad attitude, then to me....yes, you're UGLY. even if that makes me look/sound vain. cuz throughout the entire thing, tiff and charlye always put natalie and chrystina down. so i don't blame them for acting vain, if that means making them feel better after being bashed by tiff and charlye. c'mon, no one likes to be put down and made feel like shit.


when they had that dancing challenge with those guys...and chrystina won, and then tiff was all drama queen screaming "YOU THINK THAT WAS SEXY? BLABLABLA YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!" hahahaaa i was laughing when it happened...and rolling my eyes. that was just...WOW and pure jealousy. hahahaa...if i were chrystina, i'd be like "listen bitch, you think i really care if you thought it was sexy or not? whether u think it was sexy or trashy, ROBYN THOUGHT IT WAS SEXY!! THAT'S what counts! AND SHE PICKED MEEEEEEEEEEE AS THE WINNER!!! really....use ur brain for a second and think about whose opinion is more important. yours....or robyn's??" and then i'd laugh sooooooooo hard in her face. LOL try starting shit with me eh...think again loud mouth bitch. lol

ok i'm having too much fun putting myself in that situation.

overall, i'm cool with tiff being in the group cuz she was able to put their differences aside and tried to get along with the other girls.

im happy


Well-known member
^ I totally agree with you about the arguement thet had when Chrystina won, that was uncalled for..

I am soo happy the 4 of them are in the group and i LOVE their new single 'like me'


Well-known member
Jenna was my fave. Chelsea was my fave last time on Pussycat Dolls challenge. They reminded me of each other. I guess personality wise or something but I found them both to be stunning.

Sooooo. I'm happy Tifani is in the group! She is SOO gorgeous but WHY did they give her those ugly bands like Charlie had? ick


Well-known member
i actually enjoy these types of shows, i watches the pussycat dolls presents... religiously!! but this.. hmm its good but i dont think most of them are 'great' singers

i mean have you seen the video of their new song?
YouTube - Girlicious - Stupid S***: Full Version, Edited
i usually like tacky things but OMG this is a mess, and what does that say on their skirts? GILF? im really dissapointed, they deffo arent sexy and the video looks like its been made from £20


Well-known member
i just realised it doesnt say GILF on their skirts (girl id like to F*ck) but their names... if i didnt look twice then god knows what other people are gonna think


Well-known member
^ LOL at gilf!! hahaha. I hated that song and the video it is soo trashy! their other single i think it's called Like Me it's waaay much better. But the looks are too similar to the PCD, they could've made their style a bit different.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Jenna was my fave. Chelsea was my fave last time on Pussycat Dolls challenge. They reminded me of each other. I guess personality wise or something but I found them both to be stunning.

Sooooo. I'm happy Tifani is in the group! She is SOO gorgeous but WHY did they give her those ugly bands like Charlie had? ick

I LOVED Chelsea and Jenna as well!!

and YES Tiffanie looks like Charlye now, i like tiffanie in her side swept bangs better. I thought when i watched the Like me video that it was Charlye first but when i looked closer i was shocked that it was Tiffanie, they made them look so alike.

Charlye is better off singing solo because she's got a lovely powerful voice that wouldn't work in a group plus she didn't wana set her differences aside with Natalie and Chrystina..also she didn't REALLY want this compared to the other girls


Well-known member
I'm glad Natalie got in the group, she was my favourite. I'm actually surprised by their single because I wasn't expecting to like them. Nichole looks so different in the 'Like Me' video. I can't explain it but something looks different about her.

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