The Real Housewives of NYC


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We have a RH of Atlantic and OC thread, why not NYC? This one is my favorite, I am so obsessed, especially being a native New Yorker.

Who's your favorite/least favorite? I'm excited to discuss the show with other people, FINALLY!



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I love Jill! I don't know why, I think because she reminds me of a woman I used to work with that I liked lol. I hate Simon and Alex! I like Ramona too though.


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Yes! Jill is by far my favorite, and I love Bethenny too. Jill and I are both from Long Island so I had to say "wtf" at Simons Long Island comment.

I really don't like the "countess" and Alex+Simon. They really need to get over themselves.


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Yeah then they went there for vacation wtf they're lame! Haha. I'm from Jersey so NYC is the only one of those shows that I watch too... I heard a rumor that there was gonna be a Jersey one but idk if that's true or not.


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Ugh, I can't stand Alex and Simon. They are typical new money social climbers. Proof that money cannot buy class.


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Originally Posted by Lambchop
Ugh, I can't stand Alex and Simon. They are typical new money social climbers. Proof that money cannot buy class.

Agreed. I love how they think their children are just the smartest but they don't even know how to behave themselves! It's so sickening.


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OMG this show is awesome lol its such a guilty pleasure lol I cant stop laughing every time Bethany does her impression of Jill

I also like the RH of Atlanta, but i cant stand the ones from OC, i never liked that show.

One question though:

Where are the real houswives of Miami? We need some latina mommas on that show. THAT is where all the drama is gonna be. i guess Bravo hasnt made it because they cant figure out a fruit to make all the girls hold during the opening credits lol
I love Jill, I think she is hilarious. And Bethenny too...I like the dynamics of their friendship!

I'm not a Alex and Simon fan at all....he is super creepy!


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Originally Posted by Lambchop
Ugh, I can't stand Alex and Simon. They are typical new money social climbers. Proof that money cannot buy class.

i dont even think they actually have that much money to begin with. i mean, more than me, sure. but aside from clothing purchases, ive never actually seen any evidence that they're well off. the house they rented in the hamptons was busted. they dont live in the city (nothing wrong with that, i just assume its mostly cheaper to live outside of it). their house has unfinished remodeling projects (not saying mine doesnt but im not on tv pretending to be rich). alex has messed up teeth.

p.s. how was she ever a model?


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'Real Housewives of New York City' star Kelly Killoren Bensimon arrested for assault

Kelly Killoren Bensimon was arrested last week for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend.

New York's newest "Real Housewife" is denying blockbuster charges that she beat up her boyfriend, but the bruised beau said it happened - and it wasn't the first time.

Kelly Killoren Bensimon, 40, was arrested last week for misdemeanor assault after 30-year-old Nicholas Stefanov called cops, saying she punched him.

Bensimon, who appears on Bravo's hit reality show "The Real Housewives of New York City," hit him "with a closed fist, thereby causing informant to suffer a laceration below informant's left eye and substantial pain," the criminal complaint he filed with police charges.

The model/editor/reality TV star - who is actually divorced - turned herself in Thursday, two days after the incident. She was released on her own recognizance.

"The allegations are by a jilted lover saying she struck him during the course of an argument," said her lawyer Stephen Turano. "We deny the charges, and we are hopeful this will be resolved."

In an exclusive interview, Stefanov said he still loves Bensimon, but blamed stress from their recent engagement and the pressure of being on the show for causing her to snap.

"She is a great girl," he said. "I do want to work it out. But what are you supposed to do when a girl is hitting you, just sit there like a punching bag?

"If I had hit her, I'd be sitting in a jail cell right now," he said, adding that it was not the first time he's been socked by Bensimon.

Stefanov said the couple was fighting over the "usual stuff that couples fight about." Stefanov said Bensimon "sucker-punched" him during the fight, but noted that at least she "had the courtesy to take her [engagement] ring off first." She also returned it to him that night, he said.

Turano took issue with Stefanov's account.

"They are most certainly not engaged and his allegations of past abuse are false," the lawyer said.

Fellow "Housewives" co-star Bethenny Frankel stood by Bensimon: "I cannot imagine this being true, but all I can say is love shouldn't hurt."

Bensimon was married to famed fashion photographer Giles Bensimon until they split in 2006. They have two daughters.

In recent years, Bensimon and Stefanov have been staples of the society pages, photographed together at swanky celebrity parties.

Bensimon is due back in court March 31. Turano said he doesn't think the charges will stick.

A Bravo rep declined to comment, saying, "We don't comment on the personal lives of our talent."

Outside her posh SoHo home, Bensimon refused to comment Monday night as two doormen shielded her with an umbrella and tried to shoo a reporter away.


Well-known member
^Yikes.. I wonder if that'll affect the show?

Originally Posted by spacegirl2007
i dont even think they actually have that much money to begin with. i mean, more than me, sure. but aside from clothing purchases, ive never actually seen any evidence that they're well off. the house they rented in the hamptons was busted. they dont live in the city (nothing wrong with that, i just assume its mostly cheaper to live outside of it). their house has unfinished remodeling projects (not saying mine doesnt but im not on tv pretending to be rich). alex has messed up teeth.

p.s. how was she ever a model?

People with "old" money don't go out and buy lavish things all the time and act, like, well, LuAnn or say, Paris Hilton. They're a bit more conservative and half the time you don't even know they have money.


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Real Housewives‘ Alex McCord Out of a Job

Count Alex McCord as one of the millions of Americans being hit by the bad economy.
The Real Housewives of New York City star, known for going on extravagant shopping trips with her husband Simon Van Kempen, was just laid off from her visual merchandising job at Victoria’s Secret.
“Now I’m more a Real Housewife than I ever have been before!” McCord tells PEOPLE. “The whole time this show’s been on people have said ‘Define this term housewife,’ ‘Are you a real housewife?’ And I always said, ‘Well, I own a house and I am a wife! But now I’m a real housewife.”
The layoff was not related to McCord’s being on the Bravo reality show. The loss of her full-time job was one of 90 positions cut at the company’s New York headquarters — part of a 10-percent reduction in the brand’s workforce.
McCord had been at the job for two years. She started after a period of freelancing when her sons, Francois and Johan — with Van Kempen — were young. “I had a great time, and even up until the last week I was there, I was gaining new skills,” she says. “My job was my green zone — when I was not Alex from Real Housewives but Alex who’s in beauty.”
What’s next? “The challenge will be to find something meaningful to do, where I am the real Alex McCord and not just a Real Housewife,” she says. Of course, that will depend a lot on employers, and whether they look at her resumé and skills as a graphic artist, “or if they’ll expect me to come into the interview wearing a leopard-print dress, looking for connections,” she says with a laugh.
Personal Finances</B>
The McCord-VanKempens have a plan to manage the financial storm. “Alex has got until the end of April [when her severance package runs out] to replace her income,” VanKempen tells PEOPLE, “otherwise we’ll have to start cutting back on discretionary income.”
Since VanKempen still has his job as a hotel manager, McCord says the family shouldn’t have trouble paying their monthly bills. But her salary was the one that tended to pay for their infamous shopping sprees, not to mention the cost of their full-time nanny.
“If we need to make cutbacks, that’s easy: don’t go shopping!” McCord notes. As for their annual trips to St. Barth’s, “That’s still happening. But if it comes to needing to make cutbacks, I would rather not shop than have to add to the unemployment by laying off our nanny. And that has nothing to do with not wanting to take care of our children … She has a family as well, and that would be terrible for her.”
But won’t they miss the shopping? She reveals: “Those shopping sprees that you see on the show? That’s only once or twice a year. We don’t have time to shop like that. We do killer kamikaze shopping sprees for like two hours and then don’t shop for six months.” – Mark Dagostino


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OMG do you see the episode where Lu Ann told Bethanny off for introducing her to the driver by her first name?!! I couldn't believe how rude she was by refusing to shake the drivers hand. Stuck up bitch.

Jill and Bethanny are my faves. They seem the most down to earth.

I think Alex needs to actually get a life of her own and stop living out of her husbands ass and Ramona has a screw loose! I coudln't believe she took Simon along to the girls night in - and more fool him for wanting to go.


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Yes... I think LuAnn is full of crap. She thinks she is the bee's knee's but she isn't classy and REALLY doesn't have manners. I'm still in shock she's writing a book about etiquette.

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