The Remix fotd


Well-known member
This is my first FOTD. I just started wearing more than one color of eyeshadow at once and actually "playing" with makeup a month ago, so I'm quite new to this. Any constructive criticism is appreciated and taken into consideration, of course! Also, I'd LOVE to hear your color scheme ideas for me. I'm wanting to learn new things and test new boundaries with my makeup, so I'd love to have suggestions.

Warning: I need to rewax and trim my eyebrows just so ya know... they don't always look this bad. :p

I called it the "REMIX" fotd, because I was listening to a whole CD of remixes while putting on my makeup.


My "I try and look sexy pose". Actually, it's a "this light above me is killing my eyes" pose. :p


This one was done with the flash.


Up close with closed eyes.

I used -

FACE: Covergirl Fresh Look powder
MAC Playmate Pink Glitter Cream on the cheeks

EYES: Violet pigment on inner corners & bottom inner part of eye
Beauty Marked eyeshadow on the outer edges & bottom outer edge of eye
Kitschmas pigment on the brow bone
Zoom Lash in Zoomblack

LIPS: Hipster lipstick with Girl's Got It Glitz Gloss on top

Thanks for checking it out!
I'm feeling very shy right now and don't want to push the "submit new thread" button....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
Aw your pictures aren't showing up for me. You can try uploading them at and it even puts them in Forum format for posting.

WOAH Weird. I've never had that problem anywhere before. I can see them fine. I'll upload them at imageshack and edit the post.


Well-known member
OK, I uploaded them to the Specktra gallery in the hopes that will work better. Let me know if that fixed it. :p


New member
VaaaVoooom! You look great! I think you did an excellent job! I'd love to see you in greens and coppers!


Well-known member
This looks great! As for recommendations, try anything! is the best place for inspiration.


Well-known member
I like it. The only thing I can think of is that the transition from Violet to Beauty Marked is rather abrupt, especially on the lower lid. If that's the look that you're going for then I'll shut up, but it looks like you could ease it together a little better. Either by using a transitory colour or blending the colours together more. Keep the pictures coming!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
I like it. The only thing I can think of is that the transition from Violet to Beauty Marked is rather abrupt, especially on the lower lid. If that's the look that you're going for then I'll shut up, but it looks like you could ease it together a little better. Either by using a transitory colour or blending the colours together more. Keep the pictures coming!

Blending is one of those things that I'm STILL trying to get a hang of. Haha It takes a while going from that transition of wearing one color of eyeshadow everyday to trying to blend colors together. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon. Thanks for the comment! I'll definately keep it in mind, and I'll definately keep the pictures coming.
It's fun!


Well-known member
nice.... i really like it. you have fairly similar colourings to me, and i wear all colours! experimentation is such fun! hope to see more FOTD's from you!!