The Secret Life of the American Teenager...


Well-known member
Is anyone watching this? Because frankly, it's my new obsession.

The title is misleading to me, because when I was an American Teenager, none of that crazy drama shit was going on! I mean, there were pregnant girls on my campus, but none of the outlandishly twisted situations that are going on in this show! But nevertheless, I love it. I think it's an amazing show, and for the most part, pretty relevant to what's going on with today's kids. Hell, even some adults I know could benefit from watching this show.

Anybody else watching this?


Well-known member
Never watched it but from your comments, I think I might give it a chance. I was thinking... it must be really cheesy if it's on ABC family. Hmmm...


Well-known member
I watched it once to give it a try , I thought U'd really like it but i think in one episode the phrase "Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ " was used at least 5 times... for some reason it just seemed too cheesy .... I've been meaning to watch it again b/c apart from the cheesiness of the lines, i liked the idea of the show.


Well-known member
I was never really interested in it, but I saw part of one episode and the main character's sister was just so irritating. So yeah that's enough for me haha.


Well-known member
I LOVE the show!! I think a lot of teenagers (and some adults) today should watch the show -- it would really benefit them!!


Well-known member
watched the first episode and i thought it was a good premise but way too cheesy and seventh heavenish for me...


Well-known member
I loveeeee this show.
It's what I live for on Tuesday. I'm sad it's ending, It seems like it just started. It's so amazing and it really does show teenage problems. I've done so many projects and papers on teen pregnancy. It's sorta cheesy but I can't stop watching it!
It puts "One time at band camp..." in a realistic setting (Haha)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by burnitdown_x
I was never really interested in it, but I saw part of one episode and the main character's sister was just so irritating. So yeah that's enough for me haha.

haha yeah I cannot stand that girl


Well-known member
My nieces turned me on to this show, I love it....not so sure I like my nieces watching it, since 90% of the show all they talk about it sex...I mean I know that's the point cause she got pregnant and all, but being an overprotecting aunt I just don't like then watching it so much.

Anyways....Ben reminds me sooooooo much of Riley from National Treasure, the sound of his voice, the way he acts and he even looks like him a bit...please tell me I'm not the only one that sees that.


Well-known member
This is my FAVORITE SHOW EVER. I watched the first one by accident, and was hooked after that! My little sister-in-law and I watch it together every Tuesday!

I think it's great that there is finally a show like this for pre-teens and high schoolers. Yeah, they talk about sex a lot, but I think that kids that age need to have a show like that thats so open about it. It's not crude or in bad taste. A lot of them probably don't feel comfortable talking about it with their parents. To me, that show would have scared the shadooobie outta me when I was their age. Which is good, because I think a lot of teenagers who watch that show can see the reality of it all and what can actually happen if they aren't educated about sex or careful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I watched it once to give it a try , I thought U'd really like it but i think in one episode the phrase "Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ " was used at least 5 times... for some reason it just seemed too cheesy .... I've been meaning to watch it again b/c apart from the cheesiness of the lines, i liked the idea of the show.

Yeah, I'm guessing that was said by the overly Christian, religious-extreme family on there. They're supposed to be cheesy. There's always a few of those kids that think they walk on water in hs. That they're too good for anyone else and wrongfully pass judgements on others because of their religion. That's what they're trying to portray...that stereotypical family.


Well-known member
I'm 20 and I swear everyone makes fun of me for watching this show because it's so overly ridiculous but I loveeee it!


My favorite part was how she said she didnt know if it was sex or not but she's pregnant. I'm pretty sure even if I had never had sex before a guy cumming in you would be a dead give away that you were having sex.. . well and the fact that you've got a penis in ya .

Oh man, love it.


Well-known member
^^lol...I'm 24 and my husband laughs at me for watching it. But I blame it on his little sister for getting me hooked on it.


Well-known member
I accidentally watched the first one and I was super hooked! I think it is pretty cheesy and sometimes the acting is really bad, but I just love it! I think Grace's brother is soo adorable, haha!


Well-known member
Molly Ringwald is the only reason I watch this show. The acting is terrible, but it is pretty interesting. Kind of like Degrassi (well, not anymore).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rebekah
I'm 20 and I swear everyone makes fun of me for watching this show because it's so overly ridiculous but I loveeee it! .

I'm 21 and I also got my boyfriend hooked on it! At 8, we're both watching it --even though I just think he's being nice for watching it with me!!