The "U might be impressed if my cam didnt suck" EOTD


Well-known member
From last night. I bought the new UD shadow "Jones" to console myself,.. along with a couple items of NYX that are BOGO at Ulta right now.
Nearly filled a 15 palette,.. Anyway,.. This was really bright and pretty but of course my flash neatly murder it as usual. I AM GOING to get a new camera as soon as humanly possible.


Frostlite as a base
Jacquard Violet inner V
UD Jones on the inner lid and crease
Waternymph on the outer crease
Naked lunch long top to blend line
Blue Peep top liner and waterline
Aqualine LL bottom lid
Benefit's bad gal lash

This pic isnt good due to watermarking and camera,.. but I'll add it anyway,...



Well-known member
Aww thanks! If only you could see how bright it really was,.. Alas,.. I soo want a new cam before I get my C-shock stuff,.. you know me and brights,.. BTW-Waternymph and UD's new Flipside are super super similar,..


Well-known member
i can already tell this is really stunning in person even with these pics... i love nyx too, and UD jones, is that new?


Well-known member
Thanks you for posting the pict's, I can tell it is very pretty

I wish I had all these colors. -- LH


Well-known member
Oh wow...that's incredible. Darn you women & your amazing rainbow looks! I'm too scared to try. This rocks though. ::staare::


Well-known member
If that's what it looks like with a bad pic...!!! That's hot stuff. Placement, blending, colours...


Well-known member
Aww thanks everybody! I feel the love! yeah this was a mega ton brighter,.. I just love my brights,...

Originally Posted by juicyaddict
i can already tell this is really stunning in person even with these pics... i love nyx too, and UD jones, is that new?

Yep,.. UD just put out 6 new ones,.. Got this idea from the colors on the UD display sitting next to each other,.. Flipside though is nearly the same as Waternymph,.. and the Flash purple,.. well its really pretty but I limited myself to 1.

And Devingirl, I am flattered,.. your skills blow me away!