Then A New Girl Wandered In...


New member
AI just thought i would introduce myself. I am new around here. My name is Amber. I live in Las Vegas NV and have an obsession wti hall things MAC.
I love rock and industrial music. My favorite band of all time is Nine Inch Nails (We all know Trent Reznor is my husband right??? Lol!!) I love to read fantasy novels and make weird jewelry.
When I'm not working as a reservatins agent at a hotel out here I am out with my friends on the town. We love to go out dancing or just hang out around the house watchign stupid movies.
Oh yes movies
I love movies.
I live in Torrid when I am not broke. LOVE that store for clothes.
I think I have rambled enough. I'm going to get ready for work now.


Well-known member
Welcome to our community Amber!
Glad to have you here, hope to see more of you around the boards.

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