They Pulled the Plug. r.o


Well-known member
Not sure how to react. Heres a link to the thread

She had blood clots, cervical cancer, lung cancer, and stroke not too long ago. Shes been in a hell of a lot of pain so I cant really condemn them for her to no longer be in pain


New member
omg, that's so sad! it's such a difficult situation, but i know that i would want them to do that same thing, i know its a sticky subject and nobody wants to play god, but what kind of life are you living if your confined to a bed with tubes anywhere they can fit em... its so sad...


Well-known member
Thankfully, her suffering is over. I must confess that if I were in the same situation, I would hope my family would do...something. Watching your loved one in that much pain is also another thing to consider. Sadly, palliative care can only do so much.